Choice Option B: Part 12

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Deciding that leaving may anger your captors, you sat down quietly in the corner. Looking upward, you saw, for a second, a metallic black gleam. Standing on your tiptoes, you could see that this metallic thing was a camera! It wasn't directed on the room, just above your sleeping corner. Disturbed, you got up and moved out of the way. Meandering around the room, you stopped at the ancient closet.

Curiosity got the best of you, and gingerly placed your hand on the closet. You gave it an experimental tug, but it didn't budge. Pulling harder now, you yanked on the door as hard as you can. A long creak came from inside, and you jiggled the door until you heard the ancient lock jiggle open. pulling open the door, you saw a big swirling purple mass. A wooden sign only visible by the eerie light from the thing said:

PORTAL NO #8 (Twin portal 3321232)


An overwhelming temptation came to visit your house, until you remember the screams. Picturing their bodies mutilated, sick, broken, you could taste vomit in your mouth. Swinging on your heel, you left the closet and closed the door. Just as you sat down on your 'bed', the door that leads out of the room bursted open.

Masky and Hoodie came in, with a tray loaded with food, alot of delish-looking food. The one carrying the tray (Masky) set it in front of you, sand with a deep commanding voice sat "Eat". Which you couldn't have refused to do anyways. Taking a bite, your belly rumbled loudly, encouraging you to eat faster. You polished the plate within seconds. "Slender said you can leave the room if you like, you passed the test."Test? you wondered. What test? Interrupting your thought, Hoodie said "You didn't leave, even though you could have.":But if you did, you would be eaten by that black mist. See it? Don't be scared, it just shows up every 33 years, on the third month, and the third day." Your heart gladdened that you didn't get eaten by black creepy mist, you leaned back onto your 'bed' and fell asleep.

Congrats! You chose the right end! Unless you chose A and pretended to choose B. In that case, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

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