Masky X Reader X Hoodie Part 20: The Blood Red Blade

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Shocked, you barely had time to back away when you tripped over Ben, fell on Masky, and your flailing arm smacked Hoodie (Who had better balance then a drunk gamer and surprised creepypasta). Getting up with your face redder than a tomato, you slapped Ben "Wha...? Yo gon smack me hun...?" drawled Ben before falling over and snoring, drool coming out of his mouth. What a gentleman.

Covering your ears, you ran through the mansion with your new, sharp sense on navigation. You could detect the presence of every last living thing in the area. Well, that explains how creepypastas find you when they tell you to try to hide. You ran into Masky and Hoodies room, and slammed and bolted and locked and piled up things in front of the door, However, you weren't surprised to hear the door break off its hinges and see the items all slowly sliding away as Masky and Hoodie forced their way in. Hoodie stood and leaned, tall and graceful, against the wardrobe while taking a smoke. When did he smoke again? You couldn't remember.

Masky stared and Hoodie and Hoodie stared at Masky and then they stared some more. It was almost like there was telepathy. They seemed to come to an unspoken decision that Masky should talk first. "Well, we got away from Zaglo, but he put a tracing chip in you. We can't abandon you: We would die first, and Zaglo would just use you to get stronger. We need to put up a fight against him. The problem is, he can kill us all by singing The Song to End Earth. We creepypastas are immortal, yes, but were also dead. Too much strain from long periods of not killing could kill us. We would melt to make "Blood of the Unnamed". Two dead creepypasta bloods can be fused with the blood of the dead creepypastas one true love to make a blood red blade, the only thing that can destroy Zaglo."

Your mouth felt dry. "But... How would you know who the creepypasta loved? Aren't we creepypastas ruthless killers, clearing everything and anything in our way?""That's the challenge." Masky grimly replied. "And if that's not all, one final person in this trio of death would have to use this blade to kill 100 people within the hour. Upon then, the blade will crackle with red energy. The energy and blade will turn black at sometime before midnight of that day for 13 minutes. In those 13 minutes, the wielder has the power to kill even the most powerful of creepypastas. If a creepypasta isn't killed in that time, the blade will crumble to nothing. Yet only one blade can exist in the world at a time. Should someone else wield this blade while another attempts to make one, thee attempted one will explode with the force of 3 atomic bombs, rendering that creepypasta and any living creature in the area into nothing more than a pile of red dust."

"We must make this sword before Zaglo does; for if he has it, what more can we do? We will be unable to escape his crushing hand."Masky concluded. "But...""(Y/N), the fate of the world hangs in delicate balance!"Masky hissed. Sighing, you said in a huff "What I was going to say is, why is he after us?"Hoodie looked up for the first time. "L-l-look at the back of your knee." When checking, you saw the face of Zaglo peering at you, exactly like a tattoo even though it wasn't much bigger then the nail on your smallest toe. "He has marked you as his, and is slowly corrupting your soul. You alone are the true wielder of the blade. You alone have the power to save earth, the solar system, the universe. If you fail, he could destroy everything you hold dear in a matter of milliseconds. It wouldn't be hard. Are you willing to do it, (Y/N)?"

You swallowed and looked at the men. "I-I-I guess so."you replied in a shaky voice.

"Good." they replied. "Press a finger you wouldn't mind exploding to the "face", and say "I accept the challenge."

Pressing your pinky finger to the face you said in a strangely amplifying voice, "I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!"What happened next, it was all so fast. You rose 3 inches above thee ground covered in blood red light. Suddenly, agony burst over you like never before: It seemed like every bone was on fire. Suddenly, you could see yourself holding a blood red blade, a menacing air coming off of it. Then it was gone. You were alone apart from Masky and Hoodie looking concerned. "I-It never happened before" Hoodie said in a awed voice. "Her love is so strong the finger didn't crumble out of existence, but remained attached in her flow of love. The corruption will go much more slowly, but... Zaglo has learned this, and is pulling a trick on you. Your atoms are slowly drifting apart. Within a week, you will be nothing more than a puddle. Did you feel that burning feeling? That is the atoms snapping out of their bond." Masky bit his lip. "Your extreme love levels mean that the atoms won't take a week to drift apart. They'll take 50 hours."

"So."you said, stowing your fear for later."Where to first?" 

"You'll need to 2 creepypasta first, and kill them. Two that you love." Masky and Hoodie bestowed looks you had never seen before. Was it fear? "I forgot to tell you. You can't JUST kill them, you have to win against them. In a duel. And it must be a fair fight. I am not allowed to try to let you win" Masky said. Brandishing his knife, he said words that chilled you to the bone:

"Are you ready?"

with his head tilted at an odd angle. You saw a flash of red in his eyes. He was being possessed by Zaglo! He laughed, but in Zaglos voice. "Prepare to die, human!" "I am not a human." you answered coolly."I am a creepypasta. I am going to fight." Before you could react, Masky crumpled to the floor and a black liquid leaked out of his eyes like he was crying. The liquid formed a puddle on the floor. From this puddle, Zaglo rose, bellowing with laughter. "Easy prey!" With no hesitation, you stabbed him in the stomach.

His red eyes gleamed and he smiled dangerously. "Now you've done it."

With a growl and a pounce, he attacked, but you twisted out of his way. Running down the hallways, you turned several corners. Suddenly, you heard Hoodie scream and part of the walkway collapsed, preventing you from going back that way. Running desperately inside a room, you had two portals to go in.

If you go through Portal 3321232, go to chapter 21.

If you go through Portal 4423153, go to chapter 22.

If you do nothing, you are a weird person. And Masky and Hoodie are dead because of you. SHAME!


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