The beginning

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"Not you again." Error glitched, staring at Fresh in annoyance.

"Yo, Wazzup Ma Radical Broski?" Fresh pointed finger guns at Error as he bounced to his feet, tilting his head to the others still on the floor. "Weird brah."

"GO AWAY!" Error's glitching worsened as he glared at Fresh.

"Error? Fresh?" The two turned towards the voice, only to see Dream slowly getting to his feet, a hand held up to his skull and confusion in his eyes.

"What have you people done now?" Stretch groaned, lazily looking at everyone and then his surroundings. "Where the quack am I?" He asked, only to blink slowly before frowning. "Why...?"

"His fault." Error pointed at Fresh.

"Oh, neat."

"What's going on?" Outer asked, looking at the many versions of, well, himself, and the lone Papyrus. "I was just at home-"

"We clearly don't know, so don't ask stupid questions." Error cut him off, moving further from the group when Fresh tried to touch him. "STOP THAT!"

"Alright Brah, Calm Down, Some Deep Anger Dilemmas Ya Got There." Fresh snickered, mockingly shaking his head at Error.

"This is odd." Everyone turned to the voice, everyone recognizing it for once. Core stood, staring at their hands, opening and closing one. "I wasn't in a physical form, and I didn't make one."

"YOU!" Error shouted, glitching horribly.

"Do you have problems with everyone?" Stretch asked, lazy smile not leaving his face, even as his eyes watched their surroundings warily.

They were in a living room, particularly the kind that was occupied by nearly every Sans and Papyrus in the Multiverse. The walls were a light shade of blue while the floor was a fluffy white carpet. There were three couches that all faced a TV, the TV was huger than any of them had likely ever owned. This was not a comforting fact.

Before the TV was a small glass table with... a note on it?

Spotting this, the final occupant of the room who had hidden in the corner, unnoticed, immediately moved forwards and snatched it up.

"Can you all shut up and maybe if you used your skulls you'd be smarter."

"Oh, it's you." Error smirked, forming some string and tugging on them, "How are you here? Can't be away from your other half for long, can you?"

"You can see me?" Chara asked, surprise flickering across his face. "Right now?"

"Are we not supposed to be able to?" Outer asked as Core walked towards Chara.

"Can I have that?" Core asked, holding out their hand for the note.

Chara glanced at them, eyes softening slightly before handing the note to them. "Whatever."

Core read the note calmly, glancing at certain people at certain moments. Everyone was silent, standing around the room, each with different expressions. Sighing, Core finished reading the note. "Do you all wish me to speak it word for word, or a brief explanation?"

"Just tell us what it says." Stretch waved a hand at Core.

"Ok. 'Greetings all. You have all been brought to this world to watch your future. Everything that you see will be happening in a months time, do not worry, time here... works... differently.'" Core paused, glancing off to the side before continuing. "'You are all involved in this event, choose how you change things carefully.' That's the first part of the note."

"Future? That's ridiculous." Outer shook his head, frowning.

"Us being here is ridiculous too, yet here we are." Error responded sarcastically, arms spread.

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