Reboot, It's Fresh's fault.

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It's been over a month now. I tried my hand at writing but couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm going on a trip next week to process everything fully, hopefully it'll help.


Compared to the dark look of Snowdin, Underfell's version of Waterfall looked near-identical to the original. Surrounded by echo flowers, Classic lightly snoozed as he relaxed in an upright, seated position. Slowly opening his sockets, he looked off to the side.

"So, you decided to follow me, huh?" He questioned before his sockets widened, and his smile turned into a frown.

Standing beside Classic was not Fell, but CORE!Frisk.

"Look who's decided to get involved." Error scoffed, rolling his eyes and shoving his hands into his pockets.

"And you're not doing the same?" Core's expression still had that all-knowing look to it, though it was now accompanied by a hint of smugness as they turned to Error.

"I'm retired."

"So you say." Core hummed as Stretch snorted in the background.

Retired, as if that would ever last. Whether Error wanted it to or not, peace would not last.

The multiverse would become too dull that way.

"When he is distracted, you can attack him and try to get your soul back." Core informed Classic, their expression like the void.

"Don't help him." Chara hissed, tempted to grab a pillow to throw at Core. Would no one be on their side but a fun fish octopus?!

"That way, you can release other souls corrupted by the X-event." Classic blinked as Core continued speaking, their voice soft and empty. "I'm sorry, THEY involved you in this. It's THEIR fault, not yours."

Stretch tried hard to keep the incredulous look off his face as his eyelights darkened. But seriously, how many of them knew about this event?

It was ridiculous.

Ink knew, Error knew, Core knew, Bloody Fresh and Dream probably knew. Admittedly, none of them knew now, but the future versions of them did.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Stretch tightened his grip on Outer.

He wasn't going to let this event destroy them.

"HEY!" Classic turned away from Core at the sound of Fell approaching, and turning back, he discovered that was all it took for them to disappear.

Dream quietly lchuckleed, a fond look in his eyelights. Core would never change, would they?

It was nice, sometimes, a small piece of familiarity.

"Huff... finally found ya," Fell growled, walking around the corner with a disgruntled look. "I don't have any choice but to stay with you, weirdo." He justified and flopped down onto the ground beside Classic.

"Whelp, I hope this won't be a problem because we have to stay here until Ink returns."

'It's their fault, not yours.' An echo flower repeated Core's words. 'It's their fault. It's their fault. It's their fault.'

"Ominous." Fresh snickered as he wiggled his fingers at Dream and Chara, the latter reaching over to suffocate him with a pillow and a vicious grin on his face.

If he couldn't throw a pillow at Core, he'd just use one to suffocate Fresh.

"GAH! MERCY! MERCY!" Fresh dramatically yelled as he tried to push the pillow away from his face. "HOW CAN WEIRD GHOSTLY PHANTOMS BE SO MEAN!"

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