Portal Portla Snap Boom

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Rereading my old writing is cringe


Cross stood in the empty world, arms crossed in thought. "So... other Alternative Universes exist?"

"He was in one like an hour ago." Chara groaned, dropping his face into the carpet, feeling exasperated with Cross not even a minute into hearing the conversation.

"Isn't it wonderful?" XChara asked, phantom form floating beside Cross, a childlike smile on his face. "While you were spending all your time talking to your buddy Ink, I decided to analyze these Alternate Universes. There are a lot of worlds that we can 'visit' ... but I'm only interested in a few of them."

Outer glanced at Chara before looking at Stretch, realizing that if they were here, their worlds would be paid a 'visit' as well.

"Heh. You're a very clever guy despite being just a dying piece of determination."

"You're still dying?" Outer asked, "I thought-"

"Our soul was part human, part monster, we got the monster part, not the human part." Chara interrupted. "It'd need to be a version of myself, since that's the most acceptable version, even if Cross won't get it for me. He'd rather I die."

"Stop showing off your new soul!" XChara pouted.

Stretch sat up suddenly, looking down at Chara with wide eyes. He was here, meaning his world would be involved. A human soul was needed, specifically of a version of this Chara, so not from a Frisk. His world was one of the very, very few where the Chara had a soul. That brought him to one dreaded conclusion, his Chara was in danger, and without their soul, his world could collapse.


"Now tell me, how are we going to get to the next world if we don't know any routes?" Cross asked, looking at XChara for their response.

XChara stared blankly ahead.

"You don't know, do you?" Dream smiled.

"Something that will be different by next time." Chara groaned.

"Doubt it broski" Fresh snickered.

"I DON'T WANT TO STAY DOING NOTHING!" Cross screamed, eyes glowing red and purple. "I WANT MY WORLD BACK! I WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE LIKE THEM!"

Dream flinched, feeling the emotions faintly. If he could feel them from the screen, they were incredibly strong emotions. Negative emotions. He wasn't looking forward to seeing Nightmare, not now.

Chara's eyes widened, hearing Cross talk like that was... was...

Was this what they sounded like? Was this how bad they'd get? How bad they'd already gotten when their world was whole.

Cross suddenly calmed down, looking to the side to see Nightmare standing beside him, looking around the void. "Seems like you're not happy for some reason. I can feel it. May I help you with that?"

Dream sighed, emotions bouncing off him as he saw his brother, both his own emotions and everyone else's. Whenever something big happened, or someone new appeared, it was like everyone's emotions were more compelling, and he couldn't help examining them.

Core felt pity, directed towards Dream.

Error was annoyed, he tended to avoid Nightmare.

Outer was confused, but suspicious, that soon turned to shock, as Dream saw Stretch tell him something, probably their relation. He remembers Blue told Stretch a while ago and now he was passing the information along. Great.

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