Welcome to Underfell, my friends.

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I remember being in a Christmas mood when I wrote this part,  just try and complain.


"I thought that by being your friend... I could fix what happened that day..."

"Yeah, as if." Chara snorted, a derisive smirk growing on his face as Core giggled.

It was oddly calming for him... but... he missed Frisk.

Now in Underfell's version of Snowdin, Classic laid on his stomach, fast asleep with a face full of snow.

"Laziness for the win!" Outer high-fived Stretch as Dream and Chara laughed, the others merely looking amused.

"Psst!" Ink popped up from behind a bush, mouth hovering near his skeletal mouth to ensure his voice would reach Classic. "Hey, Sans! Wake up!"

"What is that idiot doing now?"

Error loved insulting Ink, mainly when he was pissed off with the squid. It was therapeutic.

"ZZZ... just five more minutes..." Classic smiled, snuggling deeper into his pillow of snow, breathing pattern slowing down as he slowly fell asleep before he abruptly jolted upright. "WOW WAIT A MINUTE IS THIS SNOW!? WHERE ARE WE!?"

"Lazy." Error, again.

"Aren't we all?"

Outer and Stretch shared another high-five.

"I don't think I'm lazy..." Dream pouted, turning his gaze to Chara. "Am I?"

"We just met." He deadpanned before pointing to themselves with a proud look. "But I'm defiantly the most hard-working here!"


"Funkily off."


"Pfft calm down, pal." Ink's dull, deadpan expression brightened as he grinned and waved his hands slightly. "This is not your Snowdin. Welcome... to UNDERFELL!"

"Dramatic squid."

"Aaand why are you hiding there?" Classic's weirded out expression caused Ink to freeze before somehow putting on a solemn facade.

"I must prevent myself from being seen in any AU for everybody's sake."

"He looks so funking smug." Error growled.

"We're like, what, a minute in? How have you insulted him so many times?" Dream questioned incredulously, smiling despite the situation.

"What can I say, I'm a genius." Error shrugged helplessly.

"No, you're not."

"Then why did you ask me in the first place!?" Error raged, calming somewhat as Dream started laughing, and he decided to not comment further. He rarely got to talk to Dream without too much tension being in the air, it was... nice.

"And he says Ink is smug." Chara scoffed.

"If you had done that with Cross, none of this would be happening, and I wouldn't be here, with only half a soul," Classic sighed, a melancholy air surrounding him. "and so far from home..."

"This is the first time I'm away from home, I've never experienced much." Outer sighed sadly.

"You can visit my world, and I'll visit yours?" Stretch offered, "It'd be interesting to see space."

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