10 times, count the lockets.

131 5 0

I'm an amateur at writing battle scenes, fight me.


"Your human... Is trying so hard to befriend all of you, right?" Cross turned away from his glitching hand to stare at Fell. "...But they won't be able to fight against someone who doesn't care about any timeline... Coming from elsewhere... ruining everything and causing pain and suffering forever... someone like ME." Fell's eyelights shrunk as he pictured the possibilities. "...Will your human dare to start a new Pacifist Timeline again if I become apart of this universe?"

"You're not helping your case if you want us not to stop you when we leave here." Core pointed out with a helpless sigh.

"That's just Cross being dumb. You try spending your time in a corrupt world, and then enjoy a couple of months with no one but Ink for company, maybe get your soul stolen, and then get back to me."


"Shut up, Fresh."

"I need some resources to rebuild my world. And I've chosen this place." Cross gestured to their surroundings. "So you can see if your stupid human will be able to keep you happy in a shattered world... no matter how many resets they try..."

Chara grimaced, digging his fingers into his arms.

No matter what they did, they never got their own freedom. It'd be hilarious if this world managed it. Hell, maybe every world but theirs could be free. If the creatures of this world could have a Pacifist Timeline, why couldn't their world have that? Why couldn't their world have TRUE freedom.

why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why... why is it all SO unfair...

"You'll accept that your world is mine now." Cross' words reverberated as his eyelights glowed ominously. "And that not one of their useless friends will try to stop me. So, get outta my way."

"...Nah." Fell's frown turned into a twisted grin. "Do it if ya want. This is a Pacifist Timeline, we monsters and the human will still be friends, giving them love... and LOVE heheh... But I'll try to be nice and change your mind, buddy." He raised his arms, twisted grin growing sharper. "There's so much corny happiness and all, so, if you want, I can share it a little with ya. WE CAN HAVE A GREAT TIME"

"Battle!" Fresh smiled like a kid in a candy store, doing a drumroll with his fingers. "Opponent Number one, Fluffy Guy and My Radical Broseph, Phantom Chara, Facing Opponent Number Two... Uh... That Dude!"

"Seriously, what is wrong with you." Error held a pillow in his hands, his only defense against the parasite in case he tried anything.

Oh Nightmare, he hated that parasite.

Chara's lips twitched into a smile.

"Hum. It's a shame we can't kill this one," Chara crossed his arms as Cross readied his weapon, exchanging the knife for a bone. "I know."

They both disappeared as Cross ran at their enemy, slamming Fell into a tree, only for him to instantly recover and strike Cross.

Classic, who was nowhere near the battle looked down at his chest, an odd expression growing on his face.


"You've really screwed up!" Error guffawed, glitches increasing the more he laughed.

"What?" Chara growled, "How'd we screw up?"

"Your soul, being also Classic's soul, has linked you all together." Core's expression was hidden, eyes giving off the impression of bottomless pits as they stared at Chara. "He gets injured, you get injured, it's all the same in the end."

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