Stretched thin

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Eyyy, we've officially caught up to content from this year! When writing this story, I stopped updating in July 2021 because I fell out of the Undertale fandom. My interest was reignited just as 2023 rolled around, leading to the following chapters actually existing. Considering I went over a year without writing anything to regular updates for this story, I think I've done a good job!


Swap!Chara raised their legs high as they marched back and forth, depositing more and more boxes into a pile.

"Huff!" Swap!Sans, also known as Blue, arched his back as he wiped his brow. "Undyne has really fragile stuff in her lab."

The suffocating atmosphere in the room was flipped on a dime.

"Brother." Stretch smiled softly at the sight of his brother and the human working together. At least they were far away from the city, the safest they could be.

Chara blinked, somewhat stunned at the flip of situations on screen. Seriously? Cross was probably out there wreaking havoc, and they were now watching these two on a mountain somewhere? Why was this their life.

Swap!Chara's small smile dropped as they pointed at one of the higher boxes.

"Huh? What is it, Human?" Blue turned, wrapping an arm around the human as he looked at the paint buckets they'd been pointing at. "Oh! Undyne kept those for me."

"Uggghhhhh." Error let out a long groan, sinking into the sofa. He now wished he hadn't eaten the last of his chocolate moments prior, he'd need it for the incoming pain of a squid hammering his skull in with its lunacy.

"It's a little bit of paint that remained when Papyrus and I were painting the house." Blue's grin widened, excitement dancing in his eyes. "Maybe we will use it for our new home!"

Stretch frowned, sharing a look with Core.

"Anyway, let's keep working!" Blue announced as he turned away from the boxes.

Outer tilted his head, staring at the skeleton on screen curiously. He'd heard Stretch mention that his brother's semi-multiversal nickname was Blue, earlier. So, Underswap, he could understand the concept a bit better now, watching Blue. He'd struggled seeing the alternate versions of his friends as they hadn't interacted all that much differently with Cross, but the way Blue acted... it was fascinating. He wondered what all the other AUs were like.

Swap!Chara turned with a smile to follow, till they accidentally stepped on his cape, causing them to rapidly wave their arms with a gasp as they fell backwards into the boxes, knocking them over.

"Here we go." Error tried to unsuccessfully become one with the sofa, glitching as he could just feel Core's smug, all-knowing smile grow as the scene went on.

Blue looked up at the falling boxes blankly, gaze locked onto one of the paint buckets that tipped over the edge, he watched it for a moment longer before swiftly teleporting out of the way.

"Ohoho, I see where dis is goin' now!" Fresh sniggered, glancing over at Error.

The two stared at the paint before sharing a smile.

"Don't worry, Human!" Blue placed a hand on the Swap!Charas shoulder as the human rubbed the back of their head with a small wince. "We'll clean this in- "

A squelching sound interrupted the two and Blue's eyelights shrunk. The paint shifted and grew, forming large shapes before it disappeared, leaving behind three new skeletons. Two covered in paint, clearyly unhappy, as the one in the middle, untouched by the paint, awkwardly looked around. "...Oh, boy..."

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