A Truce to end the war

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This chapter has a mixture of both the comic version and video version of 'The Truce' with certain parts purposefully omitted.


As soon as everyone was sat down the screen flared to life and the scene began.

It seemed to be the ending of a battle between Error and Ink as Error grinned at Ink.

"This is the end. Everything will go back to how it was before. All the AUs will disappear forever!"

"What is that place?"

"The DoodleSphere." Dream smiled, vaguely remembering Ink talking to him about this day.

"One more step... and all that you were willing to protect so much during all this time will turn blank." Errors grin continued to widen as Ink looked down and dropped broomie. "Haha! I can't believe that I've found the way to stop you and it all hangs upon a single string!" Error gave an experimental tug of the string that was connected to every AU in existence for show, laughing as a slight tear made its way through one.

Everyone but Chara sent Error looks, which he purposefully ignored with a scoff.

"Error... can I... ask you something?" Ink looked up at Error with tired eyes. "Why are you so selfish? They didn't do anything to you... Does helping to create AUs bother you so much?"

Many sat up, curious about Error's possible response.

Error only laughed. "Do you really think I'm doing this just for selfishness? I have a better question for you... Ink. Do you think the entire Multiverse... is as infinite as your lack of a brain? Let's see..." Error used his strings to snatch Ink's artbook from him.

Error grimaced, knowing what he'd say, and knowing he didn't want any of these idiots to be a part of his conversation with Ink, apart from maybe two of them.

"Imagine... if the multiverse was like this "Imagine... if the multiverse was like this simple art book and its pages are ALL those anomalies called AUs." His grip tightened on the artbook before he threw it onto the ground, a crumpled mess. "What will happen... WHEN THE ARTBOOK CAN'T HAVE MORE PAGES!"

Dreams eyes shot to Error, a questioning look in them. He'd heard Ink complain enough about artbooks filling up that this comparison simply clicked for him.

"You filled all the multiverse with worthless worlds, even AU's that were never finished..."

Outer and Stretch frowned at the idea of that sort of carelessness. What happened to the worlds left incomplete? Why leave them like that? Sentiment?

"I destroyed them, and you kept helping to create trash! When this worthless Multiverse inevitably collapses... What will you DO? Everything has a limit, and the limit for this is forcing ya to not intervene anymore."

A couple eyes widened in various degrees of understanding of what Error meant.

"OH! I remembered something!" Error looked up and into the doodle sphere briefly before grinning menacingly at Ink. "I don't care if you obey me also my arm is getting tired... SO I'M GONNA END WITH THIS." Error glitched wildly, as he yanked down on the string, hundreds of AUs being torn to pieces before vanishing from existence.

Ink jerked back, staring up into the DoodleSphere in shock and horror as tears leaked from his eye sockets.

"Our worlds are safe, right?" Outer asked, voice shaking slightly at the thought of everything he's ever known being gone, just like that.

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