Lost Soul

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Immediately after the last scene was over, a new scene began, starting in a white void, where the original Sans stood with his eyes shut.

"Who's that?" Outer asked quietly, glancing at Stretch.

"I think he's the original Sans, but I'm not too sure. I don't get involved with the other worlds much." Stretch responded. "Lot of us look the same as the originals. So it could be anyone, really."

Outer frowned but nodded in understanding.

Classic opens his eyes, looking at his surroundings before looking up, seeing his predicament, he looks back down with a deadpanned expression and tries to count all the times he's found himself in strange dimensions.

Core snorted at this, Outer and Dream smiling along.

Classic walked around before stopping behind another person, who was sitting on the floor peacefully. Classic looked like he was trying to speak before the other form spoke up.

"You're voice can't be heard in this place."

All eyes turned to Chara, who sat rigidly, staring intently at the screen.

"That's you, isn't it?" Dream asked quietly while the attention of the others turned back to the screen, shifting closer to Chara.

"To a degree, yes."

"You don't need to introduce yourself. I know who you are. You are Sans-"

"You were right." Outer comments, making Stretch's lazy grin widen.

"And you are living in a True Pacifist Timeline. Dude, it has to be great having monsters and humans living together on the surface. Your brother... Your friends... Even you... Everyone is so happy, aren't they? There's no need to fight again, right?" They clenched their fists. "You don't need to use your powers now, right? After all, nobody is going to hurt you." They stood up slowly."Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Oh, don't worry. Your timeline won't change when you-... Well..."

The screen now showed Classic as they continued speaking, his grin widening more and more, expression darkening.

"Let's just say no one will notice anything is different when you're gone..."

Listening to Chara speak, everyone could get a general idea of which direction this story was going to go.

Chara refused to look at anyone, desperately soaking in the details of the scene.

"Because I am you." They turned to reveal themselves as XChara, the first from the room to appear, grinning widely with a childish glee glimmering in their eyes matched with something cold and dead. They briefly switched appearance, too fast for anyone to notice.

Classic stood, hands in his pockets as his soul flickered, signaling a battle, the screen briefly turned dark before showing Classic once more, two GasterBlasters by his side, left eye glowing. His smile widened as he moved his left hand, which was now raised, slightly forwards. Ready for battle.

"Hey, wait! Calm down! I'm j-just joking with you!" XChara screeched, rapidly waving his hands in front of himself, terrified. "I just... I just want to be happy before I die... I only have one day left to live..."

"What does that mean?" Stretch asked. He always had a soft spot for versions of Chara and his bro, depending on how they acted.

"Ink never mentioned that part." Dream muttered, watching Chara closely, who turned towards him, evidently hearing him.

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