Don't come back

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Hm, who's your favourite character from Undertale and its AUs?


"Oh, hey, you're back! I gotta say, you were kinda out of this world for a while."

Error blinked, reaching up to rub at his eyelights to clear his vision as Outer's soft laughter reached him, grounding him back into reality.

Cloudy eye lights landed on Outer's form, not too close but not too far, and Error couldn't help but think back to the last time he'd awoken to a look of such care.

It'd been a while since Error had lived up to his title and namesake, destroying his first and only friend in one of the worst ways possible.

"Umm, are you okay? Am I too close," Outer scrambled back, expression turning shy. "I remember you told us not to go near you..."

"It's fine." Error gruffly responded as he took in his surroundings. Their surrounding had... changed? It no longer looked as though their surroundings were replicating the standard skeleton brother living room, but rather, it was attempting to imitate the entire house. "Where the funk are the other abominations?"

"With your rebooting, we figured we'd take a break, and... the rest of the house appeared?" Outer gestured vaguely to their surroundings. "We're not sure how it happened, but it's giving us all privacy to talk, so nobody's complaining."

"So, they're wasting time." Error scoffed, tugging on his scarf and letting his gaze linger on Outer. "Why are you still here?"

"I just wanted to be sure you'd be okay." Outer's flush of embarrassment looked oddly reminiscent of stardust with its array of unique colours. "The others agreed to take a break-even if you were to reboot quickly, so we're not starting for a while."

Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Error wrapped his strings around Outers wrist and yanked him up onto the other side of the sofa.

"Umm, Error?"

"Shut up." Error pulled out the puppet he'd been working on before, carefully keeping it out of Outer's view, the glitchy skeleton continued to work. "This is better than having you gawk at me while we wait."

Silence settled between the two after this.

Error wasn't sure whether to call the silence comfortable or not, but he didn't oppose the other's presence, so long as he stayed on his side of the sofa, Error wouldn't complain.

"Hey, Error?"


"...Nevermind. I just thought of a vacuum joke, but it kinda sucked."

"... Was that-?"


There was a shift in the air as the silence briefly made its return.


A beat.

"Can you come up with anymore?"

Error isn't sure he regrets his words when Outer's smile shines bright like the stars of his world. "How do you step up a space party? You planet!"

Error slowed down his pace with the puppet as he snorts. It wouldn't do to ruin a potential-

Statement Redacted

"Of all the worlds to pick from, how could they possibly end up in my world!? I mean, really, what is that luck?"

Core's solemn expression does nothing to soothe Stretch's fraying nerves as he paced back and forth in the small bedroom that typically belongs to the Sans of an AU.

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