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"Can we leave now?" Error questioned, standing up from his seat.

"Why do-" Outer gets cut off by Dream.

"We watched the whole thing, that was the first part." Dream looked nervous, sitting up straighter as he shifted in discomfort.

"Why do you two want to leave so badly?" Stretch asked, frowning.

"We are not leaving." Core cut in, noting Dream's panicked expression and Error's glitching, filing it away to think on later.

"Brah, It Says '0.0', The Thing Told Us To Watch The First Part, We Watched Part 0, Not The First Part." Fresh smirked at Error mockingly, snickering into his hand.

Error glared at Fresh.

"It also said that something would happen, not that we'd be able to leave." Core spoke calmly, watching as Error sat back down, before turning to the screen, looking thoughtful. "We need to continue."

"Is there some button we have to press to start it up?" Outer looked at everyone uncertainly.

"Continue," Chara spoke absentmindedly, eyes having never left the screen.

The word turned green before dissipating, the official first part starting.

XChara sat in a world alone, still chained up, staring at the half of Classics soul they took, grinning. This world was different but similar to the white void they'd been in earlier. There was a faint, pale color that remained in this empty world, looking like the colours of a sunrise, the signal of a new day.

"Old home, old life," Chara muttered.

"WE DID IT! HAHAHA!" XChara cheered before calming down, a smile still there. "This is half of the original Sans' soul! Now I have a better idea..." His eyes darkened. "Let's make our OWN UNIVERSE!" Shutting his eyes, he grinned down at the soul like a happy child, as though what he was announcing was the most innocent thing anyone could say. "We don't need to live in a used, boring timeline... We can make this more interesting..." He opened his eyes, staring at the soul in glee. "But first, let's absorb this soul. Are you ready?"

"...Yeah..." The person who responded was Cross, who briefly took XChara's place before switching back to XChara's now frowning form.

"...What's the matter? Are you..."

Cross had his eye sockets shut, opening one calmly. "I'm not sure about this, Chara... Ink was trying to help us... Sans refused to fight... Why do we have to do this?"

Chara frowned, finally lowering his eyes from the screen as he picked at the carpet, contemplating Cross' words. "Maybe."

But they didn't understand. No one did. Their world was too different. Too Perfect.

"Are you afraid of releasing me?" XChara asked quietly, hands now resting on his knees, eyes shut.

Cross didn't respond, staring at the soul.

Suddenly, they were both there, XChara in the phantom form everyone could see in the room with them. "I made you a promise, 'Sans'. I promised to be your friend... Those dark days are over. You gave up a long time ago, but not me." Cross moved a hand to his chest where a heart locket rested, grasping it lightly as XChara's words washed over him. "I'll help you to rebuild the world we lost. We deserve a new Hope."

The HP Bar was shown now. 0/0. No Health.

"How would that even feel?" Deam whispered his thoughts aloud by mistake, hoping no one heard him, but... No health. How would it feel? Did it hurt being that way? Like Death was waiting around the corner... it didn't sound right.

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