27: Karma

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Chase's POV:

I woke up with the worst headache ever. Right away my 12th year in school came into my mind when Ryland was able to sneak out a whole bottle of whiskey from his parent's liquor cabinet and we drank it all in one night. I sat up in bed to find my shirt on the floor along with my pants.

That's strange.

I rubbed my head, thinking back to last night and the last thing I remember was Maddie. I looked to the bedside table and picked up my phone, seeing over 20 texts and many missed calls. I went over them, seeing most of them from Esmeralda, some from Ryland and a couple from Maddie. Majority of the texts were also from Esmeralda asking if I was alright, Ryland asking how the party was and a few from Maddie wondering if I was fine.

I was about to text Maddie back when I thought back more.

Someone was on me.

I kissed Maddie.

But she couldn't have driven here...

I turned around to see the empty bed and a folded paper on the pillow. I reached over picking it up and in nice writing was when I felt like my world was going to fall apart. Literally.

Thanks for last night. I look forward to many more with you! XOXO -Olivia

I was about to get the worst beating of my life if Maddie found out.


"So you don't remember anything before that?" Ryland asked as I sat across from him my living room.

"Just my dad giving me a glass of whiskey and that was it."

"How many drinks did you have before that?" Ryland asked, looking at me.

I leaned down and picked up Parker, setting him on my leg.

"Just a few beers and the whiskey." I looked over at him.

We stayed quiet, Ryland thinking about it before he sighed.

"Are you going to tell her?"

She would have my head! She would never forgive me! I would be forced to apologize forever before she would ever think about forgiving me. Her brother would beat me up and God knows I can't fight to save my life! I would be forced to marry Olivia and I would never be able to see Maddie again and I won't allow that!

"No." I spoke through gritted teeth. "She will never find out about this. So this stays between you and me."

"Wouldn't it just be better to tell her than to lie?" Ryland asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ryland, think about her temper! After one little argument she gets riled up and starts yelling! Imagine how it's going to be about this!" I half yelled and ran a hand through my hair. "She won't find out about this." I looked at him in the eye, right away seeing him tense up.

"Yeah, whatever you say." He nodded.


It's been a couple weeks since that incident and I was able to pull it off from Maddie. I had told her that I stayed the night and my parents had too. To my surprise, she bought it. I was sitting in my office, Maddie, like usual, was sitting in the seats across from me. She was resting her back on the chair's armrest and her legs were swung over the other armrest. She was playing a game on her phone, trying to beat Ryland's high score when the door opened and we both looked over to see Olivia smirking.

She walked right in, pushing Maddie's feet off the armrest and having her glare at her. We both stood up at the same time as Olivia walked around my desk and looped her arm in mine.

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