Chapter 1

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???? POV:
I was just walking in the forest when I saw him. It was a blonde boy. He looked to be about 14-16 years old. He was heavily injured.
I contemplated leaving him there. After all, I didn't know him. He could have been an enemy ninja or a spy. But I decided I couldn't just leave him here.
So I tried to pick him up. He was surprisingly light. (Probably from the blood loss👀)

✨time skip✨

Naruto Pov:

Pain. I felt pain all over my body as I woke up. I let out a hiss as I gritted my teeth. Some of my injuries were healing but I could feel that most of them were still fresh. That means I haven't been here for long.
I tried to open my eyes, but it didn't matter. The room I was in was pitch black.
Turning my head, I saw the outline of the door.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and the shadow of feet at the door.
Quickly I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing to appear as if I was still sleeping.

I heard the creak of the door opening, and the footsteps drew closer to me until they were right beside me.
"I know you're awake. There is no need to pretend."
I almost flinched at the words. There was no malice or ill intent in the person's words; so I opened my eyes.
I saw a black-haired boy in a high-collared blue shirt, blue pants, and a ninja tule belt. He looked to be about 15 years old. When I looked at his face I saw his eyes. They were black as night to match his hair. He almost looked like Sasuke.
No, what am I thinking? I shook my head and remind myself that Sasuke is dead.

"ARE YOU F*ING KIDDING ME!" Naruto screamed when he found out Sasuke had defected to Madara's side; after hearing that Naruto was the one the Hokages chose to lead the troops during the war.
Madara didn't like Sasuke's decision as he had killed him instantly. Sakura was dead now to because she had followed Sasuke to Madara's camp and tried to "avenge" her "Sasuke-kun". (this was painful to write🫠)
✨end of flashback✨

Naruto blinked.
The boy was staring at him. He had asked Naruto a question but he didn't hear him.
Naruto tried to sit up and winced a little from the pain. To his surprise, the boy put a hand on his chest and back to steady him.
"T-thanks." Naruto tried to say but it came out only above a whisper. His throat was dry and sore.
"Your welcome. Let me get you some water. You really must be thirsty."
The boy smiled at Naruto and went to get him some water and that's when he saw it. On the upper back of the boy's shirt was the Uchiha crest.

✨to be continued✨😌
Author: Sorry guis. I've been really busy lately so I haven't been able to update. But please give any suggestions or advice you have in the comments❤️

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