Chapter 4

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Madara Pov:

This boy. He is, different. He has the habits of a shinobi. He didn't back down even though I showed him my sharingan. When I tried to put him under those genjutsu he broke them effortlessly. And the wounds he had should have been enough to kill a man; yet he's standing just a couple of days later.

I sigh but do not back away.
"Did I pass your test?" I give a slight smirk at the blonde's words. He is quite gutsy to speak to me with that much venom and defiance in his tone.
Now that I'm this close, I analyze him.
He is about a head shorter than me. He has pale skin, with sun-kissed blonde hair. Said hair is slightly spiky and disheveled. He has beautiful bright blue eyes that are darkening as he glares at me. I can see it; the hatred in his eyes. It's amusing.
There are six marks on his face that look like whiskers. He is wearing a black and orange jacket that was open to see his black shirt. And hanging around his neck is a strange green necklace that looks like a chakra stone.

 And hanging around his neck is a strange green necklace that looks like a chakra stone

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(Not my art)

I decide not to make a comment about the necklace and turn to walk out the door. This boy will be quite interesting to be around. Plus, I can't let him leave until he has been deemed a non-threat. Though he also seems to resent me for some unknown reason.

Izuna Pov:

What just happened?
I watched it happen. Naruto dispelled ani's genjutsu with ease! How? He broke it instantly. That is not an easy feet. Not only because the mongekyo sharingan is famed for its impenetrable genjutsu but Madara is the best genjutsu caster out of all the Uchiha!? Even his mid tear genjutsu are more powerful than normal ones!
Ani walked out the door without saying anything so I turn to look at naruto. He has his head down and his hair is covering his eyes. But still, I can see his shoulders slightly shake. I decided to ask him the question that's been bothering me since I found him.
"Who are you?"

Naruto lifts his head and those ocean blue eyes meet mine. I can see the visible confusion on his face and slight hint of ....fear?!

✨to be continued✨

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