Chapter 21

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Kirama snarled.
K-"You have a LOT of nerve asking ANYTHING OF ME!"
Madara raised an eyebrow and then looked at the unconscious blonde in the fox's embrace.
M-"Am I correct to assume you are the source of that vile chakra coming from Naruto?"
Kurama growled darkly, let out a large burst of chakra for intimidation, and pulled Naruto closer.

K-"Yes I am! And you have NO right to judge me UCHIHA!."
Kurama spat the last name.
M-" Well, who are you? You seem to have much disdain for me and or my clan."
K-" I am the Kiyubi! The nine-tailed demon fox. I am second only to the Shinogami Himself in power! And I am the guardian of Naruto Uzumaki. I HATE you Uchiha and those caused eyes of yours!"
Madara blinked at the large fox.
M-"Why do you hate my clan? And, why are you protecting Naruto?"
Kurama glared so hard and Maradra that he was sure, if looks could kill, he would be dead 1,000 times over. But then Kirama looked at Naruto and his eyes softened.
K-"I've been with Naruto all his life. I was sealed in him when he was a newborn. I hated him for a long time, but he took the time to know me. He didn't try to use me and my power like my other containers."

Madara paused and took the time to observe how tender the beast was with Naruto. The giant Fox was holding him protectively in his large tails. He seemed to do so gently as to not wake the blonde. He also consistently looked at the boy every couple of minutes, probably making sure he wasn't woken up.
M-"What do you mean by other containers? And you mentioned being sealed inside Naruto; how is that possible?"
Kirama sighed and began to tell their story. How Madara and Harshirama stopped the war, built Konoha, their fight, Madara's fake death, obito, Madara's real death, the attack on Konoha, Naruto's life/childhood, the Akatsuki, the Jinchuriki, the war, Madara's revival, and the jutsu that took them back in time.
Madara was frozen. He felt like his world had just shattered. He realized why Naruto seemed to hate him so much.
M-(Of course he hates me. I took everything from him. I ruined his life and killed his friends. I destroyed his village and tried to end the world!)
Mascara felt sick. He didn't know how to cope with all the information he had been given. Madara desperately wanted it to be a cruel, and elaborate, lie; but he knew better then to hope for that.
K-"You are lucky Uchiha! If Naruto hadn't asked me not to, I would have torn you to peace's by now! But the Kit insisted upon your innocence."
Madara looked at the unconscious blonde then up to Kurama.
M-"Thank you for protecting him. He didn't deserve any of that. I'm sorry for the pain and suffering I caused the both of you."
Kurama scoffed.
K-"Do not waist your breath on me Uchiha. I am not the one who's forgiveness you seek."
M-"Even so, I wasn't to apologize."
Madara bowed out of respect as Kurama eyed him suspiciously. As he rose, kurama huffed and turned away.
K-"Naruto tells me that humans can change. I don't believe that personality but, I promised him to give you a chance. So, that is all you get. ONE chance! If you fuck it up..."
Kurama's eyes narrowed dangerously. He didn't have to finish that sentence. Madara understood.

✨To be continued✨

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