Chapter 8

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(⚠️T.W: child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment, child brutality, r*pe, etc...)

(Flashback) author pov:
We see a small blonde boy running. He was running like his life depended on it; and to be honest it did. Behind him was a large mob of villagers. They were screaming at the boy who couldn't have been more the about 9-11 years old.
Naruto was running from the mob because today was...October 10th. His birthday, but more importantly the anniversary of the nine tales attack; and the anniversary of the fourth Hokage's passing.

Normally, Naruto would try not to go out on his birthday. But this year he had been invited to dinner by a girl in his class. He didn't have any plans so he said yes. It turned out to be a trap, and the villagers tried to kill him...again. They said they were "finishing what the 4th started".
Lucky, naruto outran them and hid in an alleyway. But then, arms grabbed him and slammed him against a wall.

Naruto's vision was blurry and he had a scratch on his head. Apparently, some chunins had found him. He heard one of them remark on how the demon brat was fast.
Naruto then felt one of the men plant several kicks right in his stomach. He curled into a ball and didn't make any noise. He knew that if he did they would just make it worse. He couldn't let them see how much it hurt; because he knew just how much they enjoyed his pain. This was not the first time he had been caught and beaten.

Hopefully, if they got bored they would leave him in the alley alive.
"Hay boys, how about we have some fun before we kill it?" Naruto heard one of the man's voices turn from cold to... excited? He then felt hands on his hips. Naruto tried to struggle but the men were bigger than him and stripped him down to his undershirt only. Naruto tried to scream but one of the men punched him in the face and tied his hand behind him. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. No one would come. No one ever came. He was by himself.

That punch probably broke his nose. Then naruto realized it. One of the men was undoing his pants? Then, naruto realized what they meant! He tried his best to break free of his bindings. He started to kick, roll, scream, anything he could do. But it wasn't enough. The men pinned him down. Naruto began to cry which only made the men smile evilly.

Suddenly, a flash swept past, and blood. The men's throats had been cut. The blood sprayed onto Naruto's face. Staining his pale skin. Naruto looked from the bodies to a ninja sheathing his katana. The ninja wore a cat anbu mask and cray armer.
The blonde still had tears running down his face, and he was shaking uncontrollably. Cat mask walked over with a small blanket and wrapped it around the small boy. Then they disappeared in a shunshin.

(End of flashback)

Naruto pov:
I jolt awake in a cold sweat. I can't breathe. I'm hyperventilating! I need help! My vision is blurry. 
Suddenly, I feel a warm hand on my back. They trace calming circles into my back. Slowly, I calm my breathing and clear my vision. I sigh.
"How do you feel?"
The voice catches me off guard. I look up to see Izuna. His dark  eyes were filled with concern as he frowned. He was the one who helped me? Apparently.

I-"How do you feel?."
N- "I-am ok. I j-just need a moment."
I try to steady my voice but it comes out shaky.
I-"Are you sure? You were screaming in your sleep. Worried the sh*t out of me." I lower my head in guilt.
N-"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You didn't have to help me..."
Izuna's frown deepened.
I-"Don't be silly. When ani told me that you had fainted, I rushed over as soon as I could. I'm just glad you didn't hit your head."
I give Izuna a smile.
Izuna smiled back (his normal small smile) and stood up.
I-"I'm glad your awake. Now I have some duties to attend to so I'll check in on you again later."
I nod as he makes his way yo the door. Then he stops and turns back to me.
I-"By the way, ani should be stopping by to."
Then he leaves. I cringe .

Around five minutes later I hear someone open my door. I look up as Madara steps in; closing it behind him.
We just stair at each other for a moment before he brakes it, sitting in the chair by the bed arms crossed. After several minutes of silence Madara speaks.

M-"What happened to you?"
His words sound weird in my head. Almost foreign. Maybe because nobody has ever asked me that before and because it came from him of all people. Either way, I look away and frown.
"What do you mean? Nothing happened to me."
Suddenly I felt a hand grip my arm and pull my to face him.

"Suddenly I felt a hand grip my arm and pull my to face him

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(Not my art. Just imagine this but Madara is in his normal purple outfit+ he is grabbing Naruto's forearm. And not so in his face.)

Madara wasn't yelling but his voice was extremely cold.
"You Don't SCREAM 'get of me' and 'help' In Your Sleep When NOTHING Happens!"
His eyes were full of an endless sea of rage. And his grip was firm on my arm. I tried to pull my arm back but he wouldn't let go. He leaned in until he was only inches away.
"Tell Me. Then I'll leave you alone."
His words made me grit my teeth in frustration. My voice came out more venomous then intended but I didn't care.
N-"What The F* Do You Care!!? It's Not Any Of Your Business!"
Madara's frown depended and his voice was steady but I could hear the undercurrent of rage.
M-"It actually IS my business! ESPECIALLY because you are currently under MY care!."

I scoff and pull my arm back as he lets me go and glare at him.
N-" Weather I'm in your care or not, my past is NONE of your business! I have already proven I am not a threat to you and yours. That is all you need to know.
Madara gritted his teeth and his eyes became icy. For a moment, I'm afraid he'd push the subject or even hit me, but he doesn't. Instead, he gets up, and walked silently out of the room.

✨to be continued✨

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