Chapter 7

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Naruto pov:
I'm conflicted. For the past two months, I have been getting to know the Uchiha brothers. But I still don't know how you feel about Madara. Izuna is sweet and funny but Madara....?
I know that at this point he has done nothing wrong and doesn't know why I act the way is to do but, I still feel so much resentment toward him. He is the person who ruined my life!
But, he is nice to me. If only in his way. He even tried to help me up. He trains with me. He checks in on me. He showed me around the compound and made sure I was settled in properly. I'm pretty sure most of it was because Izuna pestered him into it but still....I don't know how to feel.

I sigh and get up from my futon.
I decide to go find Madara. I think he was in his office. As I walk down the wooden halls, I try to make as little noise as possible. Since I'm a ninja it is second nature to me.
When I reach the office door, I crack it open silently to see if Madara is inside.
When I saw him, time stopped for a second.

He has on a dark purple shirt with i high collar, and he is holding up a small leaf as if to examine it. The afternoon sun from his windows eliminates his long jet-black hair like a halo. And he has the slightest of smiles on his normally blank face. He looks...gorgeous!

(Not my art)

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(Not my art)

I shake my head vigorously at the rediciluase thought. Madara, gorgeous?! Ya right!
I begin to walk back to my room when a pair of arms grabs me and pulls me into a room. At that moment my fight or flight kicks in.

Madara pov:
I was examining the leaf I had used to test my wind jutsu; when I heard a small noise outside my door. I whip around and see my door slightly ajar. Quickly making my way to the door, I look around to see...Naruto? The blonde was walking away. What surprised me was that he was silent in his movements. One could only do that if you have been trained.
At that moment, I decided to mess with the blonde a bit. So I sneak up and grab him. Making sure to cover his mouth so he doesn't scream and pull him into my office.

Suddenly, he elbows me in the rib and stomps on my foot; forcing me to let him go. I hiss in pain.
I look up at him and his eyes are...scared!? He looks like he's seen a ghost. Plus his eye are wide; they seem to be looking at something far away.
I realize I may have made a mistake so I try to apologize.
"I apologize for my rudeness Uzumaki. I didn't realize you would have such a violent reaction."
He doesn't answer me, instead he falls to the floor. I run over to check on him, but he is out cold.

What just happened?

✨to be continued ✨

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