Chapter 14

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Naruto pov:

(One week time skip: because In that time mail was slow as hell)

M-"Naruto Please!? Don't be rash!!"
I run away from Meto down the hall and turn to go into hashirama's office. She tries to grab my arm and stop me but she is to slow. I burst through the door and glare daggers at the Senju clan head.

N-"Hashirama WTF! "
I pause when I notice that hashirama isn't alone.
"You shouldn't just burst in the door like a mad man. Have some respect for the clan head."
The cold and calculating voice belonged to none other then Tobirama Senju.
He is around 5'9 and very fit; To the point the navy blue turtleneck he weirs highlights his figure. He has three small red marks on his face that contrasted with his Snow White hair and porcelain skin.

Meto grabbs my arm gently

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Meto grabbs my arm gently. I look at her and I can see the worry and sadness on her face. But I can also sence...fear? Hashirama sighs; grabbing everyone's attention. He gestures to Mito and she goes to stand beside him.

H-"I assume your hear about the treaty we proposed to the Uchiha?"
Naruto gritted his teeth.
N-"Yes! You know that!"
The older man sighed and leveled Naruto with a surprisingly soft gaze.
H-"Well as you know...the only way we can solidify the treaty with the uchiha is by either giving them some of our shinobi, or...through a diplomatic marriage. Unfortunately, although we offered to, we  can't risk an ambush on our shinobi during the crossing and I doubt the Uchiha would ever let their precious do-jutsu leave their compound....So the only option is the latter. But...the only eligible and people who are of age and Meto."

Hashirama looks sad for a moment. My anger rises and I step forward.
"Then Why Can't METO Do It!?!"
Meto flinches and I instantly regret my words. How could I even suggest that? Meto is my best friend; I see her as a sister! And hashirama is like my brother! How could I suggest that she marries someone I know she doesn't care for? Especially when I KNOW she and hashirama are in love!? Meto steps forward and clutches her belly; which draws my attention.
Then I realize it.
"Meto- are you?"
She nods and hashirama hugs her from behind. pregnant! That's why she can't be the one to go.

Tobirama walks up beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
" So, when will the Uchiha  representatives get here? You did invite them did you not?"
Hashirama nods and let's Meto go.
"They should be arriving in the next two days. They should also be staying for about two months if all goes well"
I clear my throat and brace myself before I ask my question.
"Who will I be marrying if I agree?"
Hashirama grimaces and I pray it's not who I think it is.
"You will be betrothed to their clan head, Uchiha Madara..."

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I feel a hand holding mine. When I open them I see meto looking at me with sad eyes; and tobirama holding my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Naruto, if there were any other way we would use it but-...but this is the best option. We have no other way to end this war peacefully."
I slowly nod in understanding.
To be fair, Tobirama looked pissed (even with his mitral face) which made me feel happy that he was mad on my behalf.

I look at hashirama.
N-"Will I need to meet with them? And when will this marriage happen?"
Hashirama scratched the back of his head nervously and averted his eyes.
H-"Well....your gonna leave with them after the two months'll be married in about six weeks."
My jaw droppes.

✨to be continued✨

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