Chapter 24

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By all accounts, everything went well. It may have been a bit awkward but, Madara ate everything and repeatedly complemented Naruto's cooking. The dark haired man was also surprised by Naruto's fast metabolism. When the blonde finished his large bowl of Roman in less then two minutes, Madara was shocked but very amused.
Naruto cleared the table quietly and quickly. The blonde could feel Madara's eyes on him but he decided to ignore it. As Naruto walked up to Madara to take the last plate from him, Madara reached out, softly brushing some golden strands behind the blonde's ear.
Naruto tenses and looks down at Madara. Blue eyes meet black, but Madara stays calm. Gently tracing along the blonde's face; caressing him hair.
M-"Your hair is a bit long. It almost reaches your chin."

Naruto stood there, frozen for a minute before quickly stepping away. His eyes wide and ears a slight shade of pink. He hadn't noticed how long his hair had grown and he 100% didn't expect Madara to touch him. The taller man watched as Naruto quickly placed up the dishes and started heading for the door. Madara gets up and follows him; stopping him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Naruto tenses and doesn't look at Madara.

As Madara speaks, his voice is calm as ever but there is a hint of concern*
M-"Naruto...did I make you uncomfortable?"
N-" I just, wasn't expecting that."
Naruto shrugs off Madara's hand and takes another step towards the door; opening it before speaking over his shoulder.
N-"Good night... Madara. I'll see you tomorrow."

The blonde walked away, down the dark Hall.
Madara was quiet, watching the boy leave. Then he realized something.
M-(Is that the first time he has called me by my name?)

✨to be continued✨
(Sorry this chapter is short and I haven't posted I. Forever. Life is doing its thing and I'm a little burned out. I'm probably gonna post two more chapters soon. Hope you guys enjoy and I love y'all 👍🏽✨🤍)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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