Chapter 16

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Author pov:

Madara stood there, watching the blonde stormed off. He didn't know what to do. He didn't understand what he had done to earn that much hate and malice from the smaller man. Reflecting on the look of pure rage and malice in the blonde's eyes made his heart sink.
Then Madara paused.
M-(Eyes...his eyes. His eyes were red! Did I just imagine it?... Probably. There is no way his eyes changed color. I was just seeing things.)
Making up his mind, he made his way back into the house, still contemplating.


Naruto was fuming as he walked deeper into the dark forest. He could feel the rage building in his chest like fire. It made me him feel hot and irritable. He paused in the middle of a small field and tried to calm himself.
For the millionth time, he attempted to contact Kurama. He really needed to talk rn, but there was no response, which made his heart sink even further.
He walked over to a large tree, sitting under it.
As he sat in the quiet forest, under the softly glowing moon, he let himself reminisce.

The faces of his loved ones flashing through his head.
JeJe, Pervy Sage, Granny Tsunade, Shikamaru, Lee, Gara, Sakura, Sasuke, Neji, Kiba, etc...
A single tear ran down his face. At that moment, he was painfully aware of just how far from home he was.
His voice came out warped and slightly choked.
N-" Being separated from everyone/thing you know and love  f-cking sucks!"
After several more minutes of crying, Naruto suddenly felt familiar warmth started to seeped into his chest. Naruto pulled on the feeling, reaching within himself for the pool of warm chakra that had suddenly appeared. Naruto's eyes widened and he suddenly heard a painfully familiar voice echoing in his head.
"Naruto? Naruto can you hear me? Kit, w-what happened!? We're are you!?"
Naruto froze.


N-"K-kurama? Is that y-you!?"
Naruto's voice shook as he spoke.
K-"Ya it's me. What happened? I don't know this place. Where are we?"
Naruto felt his face get wet again. Lifting his hands to his face, he wiped away his rapidly falling tears. Then, Naruto broke down, sobbing and yelling.
N-"Oh My Kami, I thought you'd never come back!!!Where TF Were You!?"
Suddenly a softly glowing, golden, Kurama head appeared in front of Naruto. A tendril of chakra wiped one of the tears as Naruto looked the fox in the eyes. Crimson red meeting watery blue.
K-"Don't cry, Kit. I'm sorry, I only just woke up. How much time has passed for you?"
Naruto sniffed and answered, a hint of anger in his voice.

N-"Three Years!."
The fox's eyes widened, his eyes filling with a mix of pain and rage. It was evident that he was tapping into Naruto's emotions and memories, to find out what had happened in said three years.
After many silent minutes, Kurama spoke, his voice was cold but laced with venom.
K-"So, have found the Uzumaki, you have made friends with the Senju, and that Uchiha BASTARD is now your betrothed."
Naruto sighed, composing himself.
Now that he had calmed down a little, he realized he may have been a little harsh with the dark-haired man. After all, he didn't even know what he had done to deserve that treatment. Naruto suddenly felt really bad. He knew VERY well what it was like to be hated for something he didn't even do/know what he did.
K-" Don't tell me your actually considering MARRYING him! He ruined your life, killed your friends, tried to kill you, and basically ENDED THE WORLD! Have you lost your damn mind?"
N-" Oh like you have room to talk Mr. Kyubi, natural disaster and the sion of death!! Plus, I'm not actually marrying HIM! Its a political engagement. I'm doing this for mito and the other Uzumaki! I wouldn't be marrying him if there was literally ANY other way. I can't leave either because, 1. I don't want too leave my family, and 2. This is to prevent war and protect our respective clans. He also tequnically didn't do any of those things. At least not yet..."
Kurama sighed.
K-"I can't convince you to let me kill him can I."
Kurama sighed again, before they both burst out laughing. Naruto hadn't felt this happy in years.

✨to be continued✨
@Ariel_Agreste_ your community made my day so I worked very hard on this chapter just for you✨
Hope you enjoy😎

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