Chapter 25

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Shadow reached out his hand to grab the glass container but his hands started to shake he's been ignoring this problem for far too long and it is really starting to take a toll on his body he needs to get back to sonic they have already spend too long apart

Shadow took the flower holding it close to his chest it felt heavy for him shadow growled in annoyance and pushed the flower to knuckles Sonia sighed of relief "finally everything can go back to normal" the group started to head out of the base but shadow stayed behind he needed a minute, shadow put his hand over his face oh what he would do to be able to relax.

Bzzrt bzzt

Shadow lowered his hand and looked to the sound shadow looked down it came from metal who was staring right back at him "what." Metal kept staring only breaking eye contact to look back at their creator, shadow followed metals eyes and sighed "is that it?" Shadow said metal looked back to him it was a useless question but that didn't matter in the moment shadow walked over to metal and dragged them by the head quills leaning metal right against the still unconscious Eggman who's face was hardly recognizable with his shattered blue goggles, red electronic eyes gazed at the blue hedgehog before him until his screen went dark showing that metal had shut themself down.

Shadow huffed immediately regretting it since the sudden puff of air brought unnoticed pain to his chest, shadow held his chest trying to get his breathing under control without painfully hyperventilating

Shadow sucked it up and made his way back to the group of four Mobians trailing behind them as if he were there the whole time


Sonic was now peacefully resting in the very back seat amy had decided it would be a good idea to put the seats down so he could rest

Amy sighed were she sat earning here place once more in the comfy cushion of the drivers seat, what else was she supposed to do she was obviously instructed to stay by the vehicle but she felt bad for not being able to do anything and it seemed like tails wasn't feeling any better the poor fox boy fidgeted in the seat next to the pink hedgehog "hey tails.." the sound of a familiar voice made both Mobians snap their heads around they both saw the peeking tired red eyes from above the seat, tails was the first to jump out of the truck followed after by Amy swinging the doors open "sonic are you okay do you feel alright!?" Tails asked jumping into the seats "do you need some water you must be dehydrated!" Amy piped in running to the trunk once she popped it open it revealed a cooler "no no Amy I'm fine thanks"sonic said in a groggily voice

But Amy didn't listen and still brought him something to drink she shoved the water bottle into sonics dark gloveless hands sonic sighed "thank you Ames but i think i just need to lay down" sonic laid himself back down taking in a deep breath
"When is everyone else coming back?" Sonic asked resting his eyes "they'll be here soon knuckles contacted me a few minutes ago they found shadow so they're already heading this way" tails said sonic hummed in response but the simple action made his head ache but it suddenly went away i wonder why?

The door swung open this time to tails left side, at this point Sonic wouldn't be surprised if someone were to pull the whole door off whats with the whole swinging the door

"Faker" a blue hand touched said Mobians shoulder, that one touch brought so much relief to the poor hedgehogs body

Sonic slowly opened his eyes already knowing who it was and the thought of that Mobian truly brought a smile to sonics peach muzzle "hey shads took you long enough to get here did eggy beat you up or something-" shadow covered sonics mouth already seeming annoyed by the others blabbering

By this point Amy and Tails already left the truck this time gently closing the door behind them not to disturb shadow while he's doing his "check up"
Sonic removed sonics hand from his mouth and observed it he thought shadow would pull it away but for some reason he just didn't care "what happened to your gloves?" Sonic asked "they were dirty" shadow said simply they were already dirty before but he also knew shadow was kinda a germaphobe so he decided not to question it

"So what happened with egghead?" "He was hiding one of those flowers you talked about" sonic stopped fiddling with shadows hand, he could feel the tug of his ears as they pressed against his skull luckily at this moment shadow wasn't looking at him so he didn't notice the gesture or so he thought.

Sonic let go of the blue hand and quickly put his act together and pretended he was surprised "what! You found it without me no fair!" Sonic playfully pushed shadow but due to his weak arms it was nothing more than a small nudge to him "it's your fault for losing one of the rings you stupid hedgehog, how did it even slip off?" Shadow said holding onto sonics arm since he felt a headache coming back "oh so you're blaming the victim now? thats low shads" shadow rolled his eyes "victim my ass now shut up so i can do what i came here for" shadow pulled sonic up by his arm but when that seemed to hurt the other he wrapped another hand to be placed around the dark waist

He then propped sonic up to let him lean against the window now the check up part really began shadow tugged at all the inhibitor rings which they were all secure and didn't seem damaged how did it actually fall off anyway but that doesn't matter "is there anything broken?" Shadow asked "no I dont think so" shadow hummed no scrapes, scratches or broken bones 'there seems to be nothing wrong with the fast healing process' shadow thought "so, whats wrong with me doc" sonic said making the other roll his eyes at the nickname "you're completely fine you just have muscle pain" sonic nodded his head "that's actually better than i thought, i'll be up and running through green hills in no time!"

"Sure but for now you need to be quiet and rest" shadow wrapped his arms around the others waist once more again "I just cant wait to get this all over with so i can go run in peace maybe even fly around in the tornado for a while" shadow lowered Sonic carefully as to not hurt him "and shads i was just thinking that maybe we?-" Sonic paused mid sentence his claws suddenly piercing into shadows skin, shadow stopped all movement  

After a minute shadow continued laying Sonic gently on his back "are you okay?" Shadow asked "yeah yeah I'm fine, my back just hurts a teansie bit" "a teansie bit?" Shadow raised a brow at the obvious lie he even had the claw mark to prove it "yes and it doesn't matter just like you said it's just muscle pain" sonic said shadow rolled his eyes.

Shadow found himself in the empty spot next to sonic feeling himself doze off as he held the others hand the simple presence of the other brought peace to his mind

The last thing that happened before his world turned to darkness was the quiet yawn from sonic and a head pressed against his shoulder

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