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Season 4 Episode 16

'Presenting My New Team'

I didn't think I would be coming back but I'm not on the team anymore.

After breaking my ankle, I decided to take a break from dance but once I got healed I started again. But didn't go back to the team.

Miss Abby out of all people came to see me and checked up on me. She always told me how amazing I am at dancing and how this little inconvenience shouldn't stop me but it did ruin my friendship with some of the girls.


I've been gone for 5 months and she hasn't talked to me.

This week I'm coming back they don't know but Miss Abby told me I'm coming in to challenge the girls, Maddie. Miss Abby knows I can beat her, Maddie knows I can beat her, so do I.

"You've done it before and honey you can do it again," 

I just nodded because how else was I supposed to say? 

Third Person

-Abby Lee Miller-

|This new team is going to challenge them. Think of it as a positive, not a negative|

"All righty, so I know you've been here since the beginning. I know you've paid tuition for years and years and years, but times, they are a- changin'.  I've been telling you for months now that I'm going to for a new team. You know I've gone around the country even down the block from here to look for new team members. You've seen what people will do, say, sacrifice to be part of the Abby Lee Dance Company.  But after seeing all the talent from Orlando, Atlanta, and New York City, I came up with a team that's just like all of you.  There will be one new team member to go up against each of you, to challenge you." 

The girls are nervous they have no idea who is about to walk into the doors and they definitely don't want to get replaced.

"This doesn't have to be negative unless you make it negative. Girls, you have to understand, there's always somebody else. Everyone is replaceable. I think it's time to bring the new team in."

"Take a deep breath 'cause your life is about to change" 

Once the new girls came in Kiara started having problems.

Sabrina stayed back because Abby wanted her entrance to be grand. 

Abby was showing the dancer who they were going up against until they got the last girl Maddie.

"Maddie... Sometimes I wonder if I want a whole team in Maddie or a  whole team of Sabrina" 

Once Sabrina heard her name she would into the studio 'A'.

To say Maddie wasn't nervous was wrong. 

The moms look shocked to see her. 

  "She's beaten you, over and over again, and don't say since she got hurt she will be weak she's been training day and night to take any one of your spots so watch out." 

-Christi Lukasaik-

|If you can't tell I am over the moon, because I know Mellissa is livid and I know Sabrina isn't going to take it easy on Maddie because the poor girl never got a call from Maddie but also nervous because is she going to take Chloe's spot?|

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