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Season 4 Episode 3

'Abby Got Served' 

We are all waiting outside and Miss Abby comes in and she looks upset.

"What's going on?" Melissa asked following Miss Abby to her car. 

My mom went after them a little slower since she is pregnant although you can't notice it yet. 

I decided to follow them and everyone walked after me to figure out what had happened. 

"I just had an officer of the court walk through my studio and serve me with paper in my business," Miss Abby says outside her car. 

"That's ridiculous," Melissa says. 

-Melissa Ziegler-

|Kelly just wants to get back at Abby any way she can. So she's suing her, and I am worried because we're a fractured team and this is making it worse|

"They want you to feel humiliated. This is your studio. This is your property. This is your business," Holly says. 

"I understand that, and I want to make a statement,' Miss Abbys says on the verge of tears. 

"I don't know about that. It's in your best interest to say nothing," Holly tells her. 

-Holly Frazier-

|History has proven that Abby's pretty good at digging her own grave because of Abby's upset, which means that Abby is always on the defense. And she's angry, she's bitter. It's inevitable that Abby's going to say something to tick someone off. I'm scared|

"Look, we're here. We're supporting you. We're a part of the team," Hollys says but gets cut off by Miss Abby. 

"No, I understand that," Miss Abby says. 

We all decided to go back into the studio to get to class.

-Jill Vertez-

|A 13-year-old doesn't all of a sudden decide to sue her dance teacher. This is coming from higher up. The moms, the friends, Christy and Kelly. Let's move on. All of these outside factors are tearing the team apart|

"Did she leave?" I asked the moms. 

"No, she hasn't. She's shaken up, as somebody would be, but guess what, you guys? It doesn't affect you, who you are, what you do. So I just don't want you to be upset," Jill tells us. 

"I'm not really worried about that 'cause I think she can handle it. I mean she's handled not lots worse but more," Kendell says. 


"How is everybody?" Miss Abby says as she walks into Studio 'A'.

"Well not everybody here, as you can see," Jill says talking about Kalani. 

"Yeah that's true," Holly says. 

"Kalani is late," Miss Abby says. 

"Again. Second week," Melissa says reminding Miss Abby

-Sabrina Gomez-

|I think the moms are kind of jealous of the fact that Kalani and Kira left and came back with open arms and she got like Chloe solo, and also Miss Abby likes Kalani so that scare the mom, especially Jill since she wants Kendall to be like the next maddie| 

"Is there a penalty for not being here? Just to hold her accountable?" Holly says

"Holly, would you like to make the penalty? That's great. Hundred pushups? Hundred sit-ups?" Miss Abby asked

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