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Atlanta, Georgia 

"Where did you learn to fight," Theo asked as I'm sipping apple juice on the couch in my trailer. 

"I took classes. Started taking them I few months ago when I got a role for a better movie," I told him. 


"Exact you'll have to go through me," Four says and other people start to say 'Me too.' 

I look around people are everywhere in the cave standing on the balcony everyone either wants to turn Tris in or protect her but at the end of the day we all want to take Jeanine down. 

"I need to go," I tell Christina since she is right next to me. 

"Where are you going," She asked confused. 

"I need to talk to Jeanine," I tell her. 

She looks at me like I'm insane and I walk away. 

"Tris," I hear her call out. 


"Jeanine. You need to stop this," I yelled at her going into her office. 

"Look who finally showed up," Peter says smirking but when is he not? 

"I'm ready,"  I tell her walking up to her.

"But you need to stop. You need to stop trying to kill other people," I tell her sadly. 


"I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were that dumb," Peter says walking up to Tris is the holding cell. 

"I just want the killing to stop,"  Tris says to him sadly. 

"Well, I guess Jeanine is going to have her hands full," Peter says which confuses Tris. 

"What are you talking about," Tris asked confused. 

"She didn't tell you. Astrid came in last night," Peter says smiling and grabbing Tris. 


"Ok seriously we need to practice lines because you miss are always forgetting them," Theo says. 

"It's true babe, always forgetting your line," Zoë says. 

I just look at them offended and not even saying anything to them.

"Yeah you know everyone else's line but your own, it's definitely weird," Miles says confused. 

"Ok, but I'm trying to practice my combat moves," I tell them with a pointed look

"You can't do both," Miles asked. 

"Can you," Theo asked. 

"I don't know never tried," Miles asked with a smile. 


"Need to open the box, Tris.  The only way to open that box is to pass the sims of all five factions. But the only people that have tried to do it so far have died," Peter says laughing. 

"Oops," He says pretending to feel bad. 

"Has Astrid been in here already? What are you guys going to do to her?"  Tris asked Peter. 

"Do what she was born to do, what she has preparing to do all her life which is fight alongside Jeanine," Peter says. 

"She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't leave four," Tris says shaking her head. 

"She would if it meant the people she loves didn't die, so open the box it's ok you can take breaks if it's too much for you," Peter says walking out of the glass box and leaving Tris in it with the bix


"You said you wouldn't hurt them," I yell at Jeanine while walking up to her. 

Peter come up to me and point my gun at him. 

"I will not hesitate to shoot, Peter," I turn to him and he steps back. 

"We aren't hurting them they are safe," Jeanine says which makes me scoff then walk outside. 

I walk up to where they help Four. 

There were soldiers. One outside and town inside. 

I walk up to the guard and jump on his back and put my arm around his throat and my legs wrapped around his arms and torso. 

After a while, he finally stopped the fight and started to close his eyes. Soon I got off of him and fell on the floor. I grabbed his card so I can swipe the card in the door so it opens. 

"Hi," I told them and they look me then looked at the body on the floor behind me, I brought my gun up to shoot one of the guards. Then I shot the other one. 

I used the card to get Four out of the cell. 

"I'm sorry, I thought I knew what I was doing but she lied," I said almost tearing up. 

"I know," 

"She said she wouldn't hurt you or Tris. You need to help her she's going to die trying to open the box," I told Four. 


She opened the box. 

"Hello. I come from the outside the wall. Where we have all but destroyed each other. We designed your city as an experiment. We believe it is the only way to recover the humanity we have lost. And we created fractions to ensure peace. But we believe there will be those among you who will transcend these factions. These will be the Divergent. They are the true purpose of this experiment.  

They are vital to humanity's survival. If you're watching this now, then at least one of you is proof that our experiment has succeeded.  The time has come for you to emerge from your isolation and rejoin us. We've allowed you to believe that you're the least of us. But you're not. Mankind waits for you with hope beyond the wall," The lady in the hologram says. 

"You were wrong about us we were never the problem but the solution," Tris tells Jeanine. 

"Bury the box," Jeanine says. 

Which makes us go confused. 

"Jeanine," I tell her stepping forward. 

"No one sees it ever," 

"Kill them both," Jeanine counted looking at Four and Tris. 

"No, No, You promised," I said as I pointed my gun at  Jeanine. 

Someone shoots one of the guards turns out it is the factionless and some of the other ex-dauntless. 

They take Jeanine out of the room and Four came walking to me and pull me into a hug. 

"I don't want to fight anymore," I tell him. 

"You won't have to," He says smiling down at me.  


"I know you'll miss me," I tell Theo. 

"Yeah, I don't think so," He says shaking his head. 

"Ok, but remember you said I was the coolest kid you're ever met," I said laughing. 

"Yeah, maybe I did. I'll see you soon ok," He says hugging me. 

"Bye Lisa," He says to my mom. 

"Bye Theo. We've had an amazing time with you," My mom says giving him a hug and we get into the Taxi. 


Next, Epidose Sabrina will be in London to do an interview super excited.  

word count: 1082

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