839 19 11

Washington D.C.


"Steve, do we have to keep running? You know I hate running" I asked.

"Yes, you asked to come with me," He says starting to pick up his pace. 

"Ok, wait can we at least just, the sun isn't even up," I said still complaining.

"You know if I knew you were going to complain so much I wouldn't have allowed you to stay with me," Steve says. 

I roll my eyes at him. 

"On your left," He says to a guy he ran past.

"Sorry, he is so competitive," I told the guy he passed by.

But to be fair we had past him multiple times. 

The guy started to get mad that we had passed me multiple times. 

"Look it's ok not everyone can be fast runners," I told him as I was trying to catch up to Steve.


After a while of running the sun finally came up and more people started to leave their houses for work. 

"Need a medic," Steve says to the guy lying down against the tree.

"Yeah man, I mean you sound like someone whos dying, it's embarrassing," I told him giving him a disgusted look. 

"I need a new set of lungs," The guy says. 

"Yeah, you definitely do, "I told him.

"Go take another lap," Steve says to me.

"What," I said looking up. 

He gives me and looks and then puts up five fingers. 

"Fine, whatever," I said before running. 

The sad part about this is they are actually making me run around D.C the good part is I'm running it with Chris Evan. 

"Come on Kid let's go," Steve says patting my back and leading us home. 

"Cut. That was great guys let's stop for right now and pick up later," The director Anthony Russo says. 

"I'm in the mood for apple juice, do you think they have apple juice in the refreshments," I said looking up at Chris. 

"Let's go find out kid," He says 

"So I heard you dance," Anthony Mackie says coming towards. 

"Yes, omg do you dance," I asked him. 

"No. I mean sometimes," He says. 

"That's cool," I said looking inside the refrigerators.

"She looking for apple juice. She'll go crazy without them," Chris said to Anthony. 

"It's giving addict Sabrina," Anthony says looking at me with a worried expression. 

"I have to go get my mom," I said running towards her. 

"What a kid," Anthony says laughing. 


"Why do I always have to sit in the back, I mean I am old enough to sit in the front," I told Nat and Steve. 

"You are 11, the age requirement is 13," Steve tells me.

"Of course, you would know that," I told him.

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