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Season 5 Episode 7

'Nia Risk It All'


We arrived at another studio since Miss Abby didn't like the other one. 

"New place. Well, I hope Abby shows up," Jill says as we wait in front of the studio. 

"I think we all so," Kalani says. 


We get into the studio and we stand in line infant of Miss Abby facing the mirrors. 

"All right. Last week, competition, failure," Miss Abby says basically yelling at us. 

"Why are you blaming the kids when you were absent all week?" Holly says. 

"We didn't even know if you were going to show up to the competition. You showed up looking like a homeless woman. You were not you last week, and it concerned us, and it concerned the children," Jill says. 

She did look a little crazy last week.

"We were there, but you were not there, and there was never an explanation as to why you were not there," Holly says. 

"And we want to make sure it doesn't happen again," Jill says. 

The door to the studio opens to show Beth.

I got a ride with Melissa this morning since Beth has been busy booking my jobs all morning and putting my schedule on for the upcoming months. 

"Hi," Beth says looking at the mom confused. 

"Beth, we were just talking about how last week Abby's behavior was ridiculous," Jess says. 

Miss Abby doesn't say anything but just looks around. 

"So you still don't have an answer as to why you were not there last week?" Holly says to Miss Abby. 

-Beth Lola-

|Abby's had been kind of acting crazy ever since we came to L.A. and it might be because of managing all these kids, some people just aren't cut out to be managers|

"I don't owe you an explanation," Miss Abby says looking like she is on the verge of crying. 

"You do," Holly says.

"If I wasn't there, just guess it was a darn good reason," Miss Abby says staring at us. 

"If it's a darn good reason why couldn't you share it?" Holly asked. 

"Harry and Gianna were there. If I'm not there,  I'll send somebody," 

-Holly Fraizer-

|Abby is not doing her job. What she did last week was wrong. Abby ruined Nia's audition. Others may not hold Abby accountable for her behavior, but I do, and I am not going to let Abby off the hook| 

"That was mean-spirited, what you said. You gave her an opportunity and took it away. She's the only girl on this team that you ever take something away from. The only one. And let it not go unnoticed the totter people see it," Holly says. 

"That's kind of a bald-faced lie,"  Miss Abby says. 


Holly and Nia left. But I know they are coming back. 

"You want to stay here," Beth asked as we were away from all the others. 

I nod my head at her. 

"Look, you don't need her, these other moms stay with he because they want their lighter to succeed and become something, you already have succeeded and you have me," Beth says. 

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