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Na'vi language will be in bold.
'✈️' = time skip

We were about a couple hours into flying and it was beginning to get darker, meaning it's also getting colder. With us being completely soaked from the ocean water, we would nearly freeze to death.

We both didn't know where we were, especially because of the dark lighting at the moment, so we thought that we'd just wait until the sun rises in the morning to start flying again. With that said, we landed for a bit, not exactly knowing where we were.

Both Quaritch and I got off the banshee, letting her rest, along with us as well. A loud rumble was heard from the sky above us, a few raindrops falling on our faces. "I think we should go find somewhere to stay for now." I recommended for the two of us.

We travelled through the forest we landed in, not knowing where we were headed, we were just searching for somewhere to stay while the storm passes. We soon found a small cave that had a huge crystal clear pond right next to it. My soul lit right up when I saw the neon colored plants guide us to the spot. "Pretty." I mumble quietly, almost like a whisper, but colonel obviously heard me. "Yeah." He replies in the same gentle tone.

My stomach was growling, but I tried to ignore it for now, maybe I could go hunting if the rain passes quickly. We sat down in the cave, just looking in the view in front of us. I shivered a bit when I felt a small breeze of wind.

The soaked and heavy pants I was wearing really didn't feel good on my legs. "I'm going out for a minute." I tell Quaritch, leaving the cave. "Where are you going?" His voice follows me. "I can't deal with these clothes, so I'm going to make new ones." I sent him a grin before I turned around, slowly walking, avoiding the fact that I may injure my leg even more.

I looked left and right, searching for materials and supplies I could possibly use. On the small walk I took, I collected bark-bast, twigs, colorful leaves, plants, feathers and more.

I took it back to our chosen location, knowing exactly how to get back. I also grabbed a bit of wood and sharp stone to make a bow and arrow later on.

When I got back, I was surprised by a small fire lit in our shelter. I sat next to Quaritch, dumping all of the stuff beside me. He raised his eyebrows, "What you gonna do with all of that?" I picked up some of the materials, already beginning. "I already told you, I'm making new tweng."

"New what?" Colonel chuckled. "Tweng." I say again but more quickly. "Like what you wear." I look up at him, realizing how he was looking at me before."What?" I giggle. "You mean clothes?" Quaritch gets all smart and stuff, "Shut up, I forgot the word. You know what I mean." I throw a twig at him. "It's a simple word, how do you forget that?" He carries on. "Try speaking my language and then we can argue about this." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Fine, I will." He crosses his arms. "Yeah right, you have no clue how tough it is." I laugh out loud, thinking he was acting pathetic. "No, teach me." He added, watching me put together the top of my clothing. "What's a frequent saying of yours?" This guy was being serious.

"Skxawng." I rushed out of my mouth, purposely making it difficult for him. "Skunk?" He joked. "Slow it down a bit, I can't hear you." The thunderstorm only grew heavier and louder. "Skxawng." I say it slower, but in an exaggerated way, a smirk staying on my face the entire time.

"One more time, but normally." He asked from me. "Fine, Skxawng." I announced louder and clearer. "Skong." He attempts to recreate. "No, more 'Owng'. Like skxawng." I sound out for him. "Skxawng." Quaritch repeats correctly. "Good!" I praise him, almost done with my top piece.

"What does it even mean?" He looked quite puzzled when I shot another glance back over to him. "It means moron." I cackle, watching him notice that's what i've been calling him the entire time. "So you've been calling me a moron, huh?" I just snickered in response to his question, adding another shrug.

After a few silent seconds, he spoke up again. "What's another saying?" I pondered for ideas, but then knew an important one. One that you wanted him to say, even if he didn't know what it meant. "Oel ngati kameie."

"Oel what now?" His confusion was absolutely hilarious to me. "Oel ngati kameie." I corrected him.

"Say oel." I was becoming a teacher, and this was also quite hilarious to him. "Oel.", he grumpily responds like a teenage boy. "Now say ngati." It took him a few seconds before he tried again, "Ngati?" I nod, providing him step by step. "Good. Now say kameie."

"Am I saying something bad again?" He coughed, interrupting the lesson. "No, just keep trying. Say it all together now." I had now finished the top completely, feathers, twigs and green leaves intertwined together.

I set it aside, moving on to the bottoms. "Oel ngati kameie?" I stare into his eyes, my heart feeling like it was twisting and turning. Like it was doing flips in my chest. "Yeah. Yeah you got it." I pressed my lips together.

"What does it mean?" Quaritch now wondered, patiently waiting for me. "It means 'I see you'." I peer back over, getting a lame look from colonel. "Seriously? What am I supposed to do with those words?"

I shook my head. "No, you dumbass. It's my favorite saying because it has a deep meaning, and there's two to it. But I'll tell you that later, I'll teach you the basics of the Na'vi language first." I promised, laying on my stomach as I finished my clothing set. "Done!" I cheer, getting up on my feet. "I'm gonna wash off." I state before skipping out without another word, taking the tweng with me.
A/N - BONDINGGGGGG, prepare for some juicy ness you guys 😏😏

1050 words

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