Chapter Thirteen

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(photos of the theme park above)
'Come on let's go.' I sigh, falling backwards of the building. I love the rush you get when the ground is rapidly approaching but before I'm even close I flip around and grapple onto a pillar. I then swing and mid flight I disconnect the hook and then fire it at the ferris wheel and land in one of the carriages, with a roll. I hear the roof of the carriage thump, meaning Ed is on top.

'So which of these attractions do you live in?' Ed asks, swinging down inside the carriage with me. 'Do you see the really tall building, it's like a cylinder. I live in the top section of that.' 'The one with the flashing lights?' 'Yep that's the one.' I sigh, leaping head first out of the carriage. The creepy clowns that have been there longer than I have been alive, still walk around, replaying the haunting messages that gave me nightmares for weeks. I grapple from building to building, over the giant swing, haunted house that is now haunted with ghosts of the last visitors. The old bridge that I first lived under is now covered with so many plants that you can hardly see what is written in big red letters. Despite the fear, nagging at the back of my mind I still continue, soaring through the sky until I finally reach the tube that has been my home for so long.

'Home sweet home.' I groan to Ed when my hook, soars me through the sky and on the all to familiar balcony. Ed lands next to me and follows me though into my old home. 'This is cozy.' He smiles, having to duck his head because the door ways are a bit low. The ceilings are high though so he could stand on his tippy toes and still not be able to touch the ceiling. 'No it's horrible but it kept me safe for a few years.' I mumble walking into my bedroom and picking up a black, runners backpack. I start stuffing it with basic items such as toiletries and underwear. As I place my hairbrush in my bag, Ed speaks up.

'There's no photos of your family.' He states.
'Correct.' I bluntly reply. Being in here only causes old memories to resurface which makes me feel angry and upset. 'If I have it, I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it. What is it?' Ed asks a bit impatiently.

'A secret.' I reply unsure of his intentions. 'Correct now I don't appreciate it when they are kept from me!' Ed snaps, standing up. 'Why is it such a big deal to you anyway? It's private as to why I keep no photos my family.' I retort back in the same tone. He stays silent for a moment, glaring but his gaze then softens. 'What's your story Ol?' He asks, giving me a nickname.
'I don't know what you mean?' I pretend
'You know, what made you turn to the life of crime and why there is no photos of your family?'
'It's not important.' I turn my head and feel my eyes begin to fill up with tears, but I quickly blink them away.
'Of course it is,' he whispers and turns my head with his fingers
'It's not important!' I say with more force, I push past him and walk onto the balcony.
'Olive, how could you think that your past life isn't important?' Ed asks, following me out and standing next to me.
'Because it isn't!'
'You can tell me you know,' he hesitates 'it might help.'
'I said I didn't want to talk about it!' I tighten my grip on my grappling hook and jump of the the building. I hear Ed chasing after me and I inwardly groan, I yell 'LEAVE ME ALONE!' And swing at a speed I didn't even know was possible. Everything is all but a blur but I know where I'm going. Hell I could walk, fly, crawl though this theme park backwards.

I hear Edwards's calls but I keep on swinging the buildings beside me are blurs, 'I need to let my emotions out' I think 'just for once'. I keep it all in until I get to the bridge that I stayed at the first night I got here and drop down into the bushes, scratching my arms, face and any other skin that is exposed. No-one would understand and of all people how would he!? It was my bloody parents fault! They left me to die! I was the perfect child, I got A's in my report cards and always did as I was told. Crashing through the canopy of greens I finally land under a low bush.

Moss is growing at the bottom of the hard metal pillars but apart from that it looks just as I left it on that horrible night.

--------------Flash Back To Night Of Abandonment
'Mummy?' I groan, hearing people's voices. 'Dad?' I try. No one answers but I can hear a glass smash, followed by laughter. I blink until the strange black dots disappear. The pavement is cold and I can feel a raindrop fall on my forehead.

It wasn't a dream they left me here! I start to panic as I get up on my hands and knees. I'm still on that street that my mummy and daddy left me....after they hit me? The moon is high in the sky and starts coat the blackness but it's now as if I needed that to give me light. There are people, stumbling out of buildings and they look crazed. Like dad did that one night when he came back from work. He kept yelling bad words and screaming for something I think it was called whisky?

None of that matters now though because I can see a group of the 'crazed' men coming for me. I stumble to my feet and look at my clothes. My purple jumper has got dirt and grime all over it eek! But the most horrible thing is the blood that is dried over it. My blood. I feel a bit shaky but that doesn't stop me from running as fast as I can.

The men behind me shout and I can hear their footsteps, thumping down in the pavement. I trip over my own feet and smack my head on the cement. 'Ow.' I whimper, staggering back up. I turn around to see that the same men are getting closer and I can tell that they are bad so I turn around and run. The rain is now pelting down and it blocks my vision but I keep running through ally ways, over fences and across roads until their voices are too far away to be heard.

I can see flashing lights in the distance and carnival music being played. There must be a fair! Maybe someone there can help me? My hand is now coated in I blood from holding my head but I want to survive so I keep going. The carnival looks closed and the gate is locked but I can hear music so I walk around the outside, trying to find a way in. Finally there is a hole in the fence big enough for me to fit in so I shimmy under, getting my jumper even more dirty. I don't care anymore about how dirty it is I just need to find help.

I walk though the bushes that obscure the carnival from view but once I step into the carnival I realise there's no one here. The rollercoaster looks old and the grass around it is so high it goes up to my chest. I continue on, hopefully there is a caretaker around that can help but I have a sinking feeling there is not since the ground is littered in old wrappers and other waste. But who is playing the music?

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