Chapter Twenty Five

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The session ended as soon as she spoke those words. I walked out in shock and once I got back to my cell I did something I haven't done in a long time. Cry. I'm not meaning a few years but a complete breakdown. I cried for killing someone I didn't dislike's husband and the heartbreak that didn't fully sink in until I was alone. I cried in guilt for all the things I had stolen and for all the lives that I had taken. It had never bothered me before but now the reality of what I had done, fully sank in. I didn't just steal items....I stole lives.

A tear runs down my cheek but I quickly brush it away. Today is my birthday and I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself anymore. I've done that enough. 'Lunch time.' One of the guards call. I stand up to the door, waiting for my tray of food to be delivered but instead the guard opens my door and cuffs my wrists. 'It's canteen day.' He reminds. I stand in line, behind the other inmates from my block and follow them to the canteen.

I walk over to the food line and pick up a plate. 'Olive hey!' Tess greets, standing next to me with Kali. 'Oh hi.' I reply. 'How's it going-I heard Eddie has been locked up as well. What a shame that is.' Kali sneers. I ignore her and shuffle forward as the line moves. 'What happened after Edward and I left the shop?' I turn around and ask. 'Well John came back in and talked to us for a while.' Tess smiles. 'And?' I ask. 'And he told us about himself....and you and Edward.' Kali smiles. Jonathan you idiot. 'What did he say about Edward and I?' I snap. Kali laughs for a bit before replying. 'You seem very eager. Got any secrets?' 'No just tell me!' I growl. 'How about I make a little riddle in honour of your boyfriend. Wait were you two even together?' She chuckles to herself.

'What am I? I am where you feel most welcome but others don't. I am known as two names, spelt different. The beginning is always the same.' I scoff at her pathetic attempt at a riddle but then realise what she is implying. 'You tipped our location off to the guards didn't you!' I screech, pointing a finger in her face. 'After John told you, you go and get yourself locked up only to rat us our!' She smiles at my antics only to make me even angrier.

I kick her to the side with my shoe and begin kicking at her. I slam my cuffed wrists into her stomach and watch as she scrambles to her feet. 'You're going to regret that one!' She screams, running toward me. I duck to the side and watch as her skin starts to bubble. The guards all rush forward, just noticing the fight. Kali's body begins to morf into a large silhouette. 'Clay Face!' I screech. I then look over at Tess who has disappeared into the watching crowd. Screams erupt as Clay Face turns around to look at the guards.

They load their weapons and one of them calls for back up. Guards swarm in from the door and the patients are taken back to their cells. Including myself. I hear clay faces roar echo through the hallways as we are taken back to our cells. Why would Clay Face want to get Edward and I taken to Arkham, I haven't don't anything to piss him off. I see Tess walking in the line next to mine, a few spaces down so I creep back until I'm walking in pace with her. 'Why would Clay Face target Edward and I?' I whisper. She looks at me in shock before whispering back. 'Edward and him were on a mission a few months ago and when Edward got caught by Batman, he was a coward and told Batman where Clay was, ruining the whole mission.' 'How do you even know Clay Face?' I ask. 'He hired me to help him get revenge on Edward. I'm a hitman.' She mutters, 'But he didn't end up paying me so I need to get even with him now.' She sighs. I say goodbye before returning to my previous spot in the line.

I want to hate Edward for leaving but as much as I want to, I can't. He means too much to me and I..I love him.

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