Chapter Fourteen

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(9 year old Olive Deck Above)
|ReCap| Olive and Edward return to Olive's firth home but tempers rise and a dispute breaks out. While running away Olive falls into some bushes under the bridge she first called home. While in the bushes Olive thinks back on the memories that have haunted her for the last 10 years.

-------flash back continue------
'Welcome to the carnival, please take a look around and enjoy your self,' a clown with a terrible paint job that is now cracked, says. It's so creepy. 'While you can.' It adds in a strange voice. That is enough for me, I take off running until I think I'm at a safe distance. I slow down and rest beside a old train ride. The ground is covered in brown leaves and they crunch under my shoes.

With the adrenaline gone I start to feel the pain from my wounds and need to sleep. I can't sleep here in the open, not with those things around. So I get up and start to walk, my muscles are screaming in agony but in order to survive I have to keep going. The further I walk the more horrifying the theme park gets and I feel like a spy having to avoid the clowns but I get a bad vibe from them. No where seems safe to sleep at yet so I keep going until I see an old bridge. I stumble down underneath it and underneath it seems quite good. The bushes provide a cover from sight and would keep the wind out and the bridge would shelter me from rain.

The ground is covered in mulch and some of it is stone and it looks like a pretty good sleeping place. As I lay down I see a dark figure laying underneath a tree further down. Deciding to risk it I climb onto one of the branches and peer down. A mans body lays there with a hole in the back of his head, surrounded by blood. Next to him however is a stack of cash that would do wonders for me. I climb down and cautiously take one step and a time, narrowing in on this man but the closer i get I realise he has been murdered. My heart pounds in my chest and I feel as though it might stop at any second.

I snatch the cash away and then scream a blood curdling scream as the hand moves. I'm pretty sure that not only would all the 'crazed' people hear and the clowns but also the whole of Gotham. The arm of the 'corpse' lifts and points in the direction of a wall. It then drops and doesn't move again. My lip trembles and a small whimper escapes my lips but I don't let the tears fall. I need to be tough I was probably imagining it.

I freeze for a moment, making sure that no one heard my scream and is coming to investigate. I release the breath i was holding and my heart beat increases as I walk over to the wall that the corpse pointed to. Big red letters, panted in blood spell out, 'you're next.'

I quickly turn around and bolt, a thousand thoughts swarming inside my mind. What is happening this morning I thought that today was going to be amazing but instead here I am, abandoned by my parents, running for my life and all alone in one of the most dangerous cities, notorious for high crime levels. What am I going to do I'm only nine years old!

----------flash forward---------

Subconsciously I have wandered toward the same wall that the blood red letters are written on, still as fresh as ever but the blood has dried, causing the once vivid red red to go to a dark Crimson. My body still aches from the chase and fall but I can't go back to Edward after the way he was so nosy. That night I hid in the bushes as the police came and investigated the body. From, what I could make out he was killed by a serial killer that they have now caught and the writing was nothing but an empty threat. It still scares me though, even if ten years have passed.

My legs grow weak and my body aches for rest and unwilling fall to the floor. My eyes close and I drift off into unconsciousness.

Authors Note- Oh my god what a shit chapter. Sorry guys that I haven't updated in a while but I have some excuses. Exams are coming up and I have been studying my ass off lmao and plus the free time I have I spend with friends so I have been really busy. I'm gonna try to get another chapter up tonight (Western Australia Time) but no promises. Thank you so much for all the reads I get so excited when I hear positive feedback and votes. IMPORTANT!!!!! Anyway I need to clear something up. I know that when the riddler was in his twenties he was working in the police department and batman was a little kid. But this is a fanfiction so in order to make it flow I have changed the ages around to suit the story. The riddler never worked at the GPD and went straight into crime. Batman (Bruce Wayne) can be whatever age you want him to be but he has to be older that Edward. ALSO JONATHAN (SCARECROW) IS YOUNGER AND IS A VERY CLOSE FRIEND WITH EDWARD. Lul thanks for reading this. -chickalee

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