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           ★IRENE IMANI JONES★           IRENE HOUSE 📍 6:00 P

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           IRENE HOUSE 📍 6:00 P.M.

Irene was now in this big disagreement with her brother shawn, well that's a least what her brother calls it. She was so fed up with him telling her what to do and how to live her life.

She knew if her parents were here she wouldn't even have to go through one bit of this. It was like the brother that would want to put her out there more was gone.

"Shawn your not my Father ok your my brother, and your not gonna always tell me what to do with my life. It's like I'm suffocating in this house and you don't see it" she explained the best way she could.

She wish her brother would understand where she was coming from.

"Ok remind me not to worry about your ware about ii" Shawn spoke.

"Your not hearing me" she spoke with frustration. "Like what's next you telling me to stop breathing" she stated.

"Stop overreacting alright, I'm doing my job as a brother and that's to keep you safe, and you going to a party is no where near close to that" he spoke as if he was so worried for her safety. "Look I don't-" he spoke before getting cut off.

"Stop using mom and dad for and excuse they died in a car accident not for living their life" she remarked before leaving up to her room and locking herself in it.

Irene sat by her desktop grabbing her book, drawing the first thing to come to mind.

Irene knew her life was dark but she didn't know it would get better.

She soon heard and vibration on her desktop looking to see she had gotten and message from Notti. She knew she wouldn't be able to go to the party. But at the same time she didn't know what to say to the boy. So instead of replying she left him on deliver.


"Why you avoiding me, I did some?" he questioned.

"I'm not avoiding you" Irene lied, she actually was avoiding him she felt bad for not texting him back and not going to that party he asked her to go to with him.

"You lying" he looked at the girl who was focused on her notebook she was drawing in.

It was really obvious when, Irene was lying because she could never make eye contact with that person and she hated when people could tell.

"Yo chill with the drawing ii" he said stopping her hand, making her look down at the boy who was now touching her hand.

"I was busy" she said avoiding eye contact with Notti causing the boy to chuckle.

"What?" Irene said facing the boy.

"You can't make eye contact, I can tell you lying my heart"

"Look ma no pressure ii, I'm not mad you ignored my text" he smiled.

Irene felt butterflies in her stomach hearing the word "Ma."

Ethan hand was still placed on her hand causing her to pull away. She felt the boys eyes on her but she continued to fight it she did not wanna look at him.

"I-I didn't ignore your text" she said causing the boy to smile knowing she was lying because she wasn't facing him.

"I'll drop it, but you gotta meet me after school or I mean I'll be on yo back all day" he told causing Irene to nibble on her bottom lip thinking about his suggestion.

"Ok fine where you wanna meet at" she said finally facing the boy.

"I'll text you" the boy said standing from his seat.

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