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           ★IRENE IMANI JONES★              PARK📍 4:30 P

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              PARK📍 4:30 P.M.

Irene was now approaching the park she could see where Notti was seated. She was having second thoughts about showing up but she did owe him even though she did say she was gonna think about showing up to the party.

She now stood in front of the boy who's face was glued to his phone.

"Ethan" she spoke catching Notti's attention.

"Notti" he corrected the girl.

"Think I like Ethan better" she said taking a seat by the boy.

"Had a feeling you was gon be mad federal" he smiled.

"Look Notti this a little sketchy, like you said you seen me maybe thought I needed company but now all of a sudden you wanna talk to me" Irene crossed her arms."What, you want something"the girl questioned.

"Look I don't want nu just making new friends" Notti put his hands up in surrender.

"Ok so what you call me out here for" Irene spoke.

"Look chill with the questions I ani't tryna kidnap you" Notti smiled.

Irene watched as the boy stood up grabbing her hand pulling her up to his level.

She now stood in front of Notti who was taller then her she was only 4'11 which made pretty much anyone taller than her.

"Still don't know why I'm here" she said as Notti finally let go of her hand as they approached the swings.

"I just wanna get to know you" he said watching as the girl took a seat on the swing.

"K cool I'm 14 favorite colors burgundy red I like to draw and I like to eat at the deli, now you know me" she said standing from the swing.

"Look chill ii, seem like you tryna get away from me" he said as the girl sat back down on the swing.

"Kinda is" Irene thought.

"Look I kinda feel like this a joke, I mean and you can't blame me lets be for real you have never spoken to me nor have we ever had and conversation" She said pushing her legs back and forwards moving the swing. She was and little nervous.

"Ok but I'm talking to you now" he said approaching her grabbing hold onto the straps of the the swing she was seated on, stopping her movement.

She felt that he was making eye contact with and this time she didn't fight it.

"Guess you can make eye contact" he chuckled causing Irene to look away.

Irene soon felt the breeze hit her arms, she was cold she could also feel the goose bumps forming on her arms.

She left her jacket at school which was her favorite jacket. She knew it wouldn't be there when she was to go back.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yea just a little cold, but I gotta go I have to get back before my brother get back or he'll be on my ass" she told standing from the swing.

"Wait" he said as he took off his jacket giving it to her.

"Just give it back to me tomorrow" he told.

Irene didn't wanna take his jacket but she was cold. Without another thought she took it putting it on.

"You don't want me to walk you home" he asked.

"No..I'm good, I'll see you tomorrow" she told before walking off. "Thanks for the jacket" she said turning to face the boy before continuing to walk off.

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