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           ★IRENE IMANI JONES★             DELI📍 6:39 P

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            DELI📍 6:39 P.M.

Irene and Notti walked side by side as they made there way to the deli. They couldn't continue there project on and empty stomach. They just hoped they made it back home in time before it started to rain. Irene always check the weather before leaving somewhere.

"Okay what's that supposed to mean" Irene chuckled.

"Don't worry bout it" he laughed.

"I'm serious what does hermosa means" she asked.

Irene was never good at speaking spanish even though she was mixed with Dominican. She didn't know her Spanish very well.

"I mean at least you can pronounce it" he chuckled.

"How you don't know how to speak your own language" he questioned.

"Well my parents are not really here to really teach me nor have my brother put effort in trying to teach me" she shrugged.

"What if I taught you" he considered.

"Yea but let's start off with you telling me what hermosa means how do I know you didn't call me anything bad" she stopped in place crossing both arms.

"I didn't call you anything bad chill" he smiled.

"Wouldn't be so worried if you just told me" she told before getting pulled by her arm.

"You keep stopping like this we just might get rained on" he told as they approached the deli.

"Hope you know I'm not dropping this" she told as they both entered the deli.

"Cool that's fine but Ima keep it a buck a Nigga really don't feel like getting rained on..ma" he told looking at the girl before taking there order.

Irene watched as Notti ordered there food. Admiring the light brown skinned boy. He was really attractive to her, she never really looked at him good. She thought he was cute but now she thinks he's really attractive. But she did wanna keep there friendship she didn't wanna hatch anything between them.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Uh yea" she said responding to the boy that stood in front of her.


The both of them rush into the house as the water started to rain hard on the pavement. They both had gotten caught in the rain and both was dripping wet, Including the food.
Breaking the silence Irene kicked her shoes off including the wet sock that was on her feet showing her fresh painted toes.

"Waste of food" Irene spoke.

"Word" Notti spoke before throwing it into the trash. "Hope you don't plan on going home in the rain" he told.

"Than how else am I supposed to change these soaked clothes" she looked at the boy who was also dripping wet.

"You could barrow mines" he told as they both made there way up to him and Dd's room.

"Your always home alone?" Irene asked.

"Nah just when you come around" he looked at her as they walked into his room. Digging through his drawers his grabbed out and black tee shirt with shorts passing them to me.

Grabbing them from his hands she headed to the bathroom that was attached to his room closing the door. Stripping off the wet hoodie and the shirt that was underneath than slipping off the leggings before putting on the clothes. Me being short and being a girl made the clothes kinda baggy on me but it didn't look as bad. She didn't know how long it would be raining she hoped it wouldn't be for long.
Leaving the bathroom she found Notti on the bed with both of his eyes close. She wondered how he fell asleep so fast. Now how we're they to start on the project. She sat on the floor where the project was grabbing the paper's she printed at school before hearing a light voice.

"Can't we just finish it later" the boy spoke.

"Thought you we're sleep" she told.

"Nah just was waiting for you" he spoke with raspiness in his tone.

"Ok so if we're not doing the project what are we doing?" She asked.

"We could sleep" he told.

"But what if I'm not sleepy" she told starting to write on and sheet of paper.

"Maybe watch and movie" he said standing from bed placing the papers that was once in her hand on the floor before grabbing both of her arms pulling her up.

"Fine" Irene said giving in.


Ethan soon felt gentle pressure pressed on his shoulder turning his head seeing that Irene was sleep, listening to her light snores. He didn't know if he wanted to continue the bet he made with Ddot and Dd. He knew if she was to find out she'll never forgive him and maybe would never talk to him again and deep down he didn't want that. He liked what Irene and him maybe had and he didn't wanna lose it especially to and stupid bet he made with his brothers.
Lightly tapping her shoulder hearing a light mumble "hmm."

Closing his eyes he let his eyes take over, him falling into a light comfortable sleep coma.

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