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           ★IRENE IMANI JONES★               SCHOOL📍 12:30 P

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        SCHOOL📍 12:30 P.M.



Irene was sneaking out, she never thought of herself doing something like this but she liked the feeling of doing something different.

"So you sure you wanna do this?" Ethan didn't want Irene to end up in trouble knowing how her brother was towards her. "Yes, I'm sure." She smiled at the boy before they both began to walk. "Kinda sick of being in there anyway."

"Straight up starting to think I'm leaving a bad influence on you, don't really know you to do rebellious shit Mi corazón." He smiled.

Irene really wasn't the type to sneak out or do anything rebellious but she was kinda tired of always having to do right thing, maybe it was time to do something different. "But your not, it was my choice." She told. "But your sure.. your sure right" he wanted to make sure she wasn't doing something she really didn't wanna do.

"Yes Ethan." She gave him a slight smile.

The both were now entering Notti's room, Irene looked over seeing that his brother slept on the other bed across the room. She could tell that he was a heavy sleeper by the nose Notti made. "Notti your gonna wake him." Irene spoke softly in a light whisper.

"You take the bed, I'll take the floor." He said before watching Irene cross the both of arms deadpanning him.

"Notti you know I don't mind sharing the bed right, lay in the bed with me." She shrugged before taking a seat scooting over. "Come on." She said patting the space beside her watching as he slowly took a seat beside her pulling a pillow underneath his head as Irene did the same.

The both were very close that there skin touch, it's was silence but and good awkward silence the both shared, they didn't mind.

The silence caused Irene to go into deep thought. Her and Ethan being in the same bed somewhat made her want to have something more with him. She's been trying to stay friends with him but deep down she wanted something more, she knew he wanted the same. At the same time she just didn't wanna move to fast especially after what happened between the two but some things are met to happen for a reason. Maybe the BET was met to happen, to bring the both of them together.

"Ethan?" She turned to the boy where she could face him. "Hm?" He answered.

Irene was bout to do something she hoped she didn't regret. "I-I like.. you too, and I think I want something more than just friends." She caught the boy's attention causing him to face her. She could tell he was happy from what he was hearing she just hoped she wasn't making a MISTAKE.

"But you have to promise not to do anything stupid like that again." She pursed her lips, she was shy at the moment she never been in a relationship before."I promise." He spoke softly.

"Pinky promise"She say as she held out her pinky hoping he would do the same.

"Promesa meñique." He says as he wrapped his pinky around hers.

"Ok now you have to kiss it."


"Ethan."she said looking at the curly head boy. "Fine." The both looked at each other before both kissing there pinky promises.

She was happy, he was finally HER'S.

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