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                 ★ETHAN REYES★           ETHAN'S PLACE📍2:00 P

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"MAN MY HEART IF YOU GON BE THIS GRUMPY JUST TEXT HER." Ddot spoke, watching as the curly head boy scroll on his phone.

Ethan couldn't seem to get his mind off of Irene, he tried putting on this act as if he didn't want her, but he truly did and he wanted her bad.

Notti sighed "Nobody's grumpy, already told you shordy was a bet nothing more." He said trying to make them believe it, even himself. "Nigga you think we believe that bs" Dd chuckled. "Look just text her."

Ethan ignored the two boys, he continued to scroll through his phone before viewing one of Irene's post, she was with some girl. He's never seen this girl at his school before so he wondered who she was to Irene. He never seen her speak to anyone at school she would always be by herself, always keeping her nose stuck in her sketch book.
Notti's soon looked from his phone watching as Dd and Ddot whispered ear to ear. He wanted to know what the two we're up too.

2:30 p.m.

Irene rested her head on her best friends shoulder as Janais ranted on about some telly her friend was planning. "Rene you continue to zone out every time I speak to you, what's up? You good?" Her friend questioned.
"How would you feel if someone created a bet on you." Irene questioned as she lifted her head off her best friends shoulder facing her.

"What do you mean."

"Like how would you feel if boys placed a bet on you." She said trying to explain it the best way she could. "Mi Alma did that nigga place a bet on you." She said turning to Irene who was nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Esa perra de la sala de estar."
(That dayroom bitch)
Irene not knowing one word her Janais said but she knew she was furious.

"But what if he kinda.. you know caught feelings for me during the process. Should I forgive him?" Irene asked.

"Hmm no.. fuck him, if he couldn't have just spoken to you like and normal person than tuh no." Janais rolled her eyes.

"But Janais.. I like him."

"Ok,ok Rene fine but your not speaking to him, if he really wanted you he'll put in some effort but until than make him wait."

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