𝗧𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗻𝘀 (𝗪𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻' 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻')

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Bella smiled as she laid in bed texting Mark. She knew how close they had gotten. She also knew how they were keeping it secret from everybody.

She knew how Mark was doing well on their deal. She hadn't seen him flirting with anyone lately. Not even Addison.

The door opened and Grace walked in. She smiled. "Derek is here. He's looking for you."

"Tell him I'm not here."

"Too late," Derek said as he walked in. He turned to Grace. "Can you leave us for a moment?"

Bella groaned as she sat on her bed. She looked to him. "What can I do for you?" She asked.


"What did I do now? Let me guess... I was talking to Mark?"

Derek rolled his eyes. "Dr Manson called. You haven't been going to your appointments," he said.

Bella looked to him. She sighed. "I don't need to speak to anyone. I'm fine. Also, you punched Mark. And I didn't send you to a see a therapist. So why do I have to?" She asked.

Derek sat down next to her. "Because no matter how much Mark pissed you off in the past, you've never done that."

"Can you just stop talking about that? I feel guilty as it is," Bella said as she stood up and sighed. "Can you go? I need to get ready."

Derek stood from the bed. He left the room. Bella took out her phone. She text Max;

Let's make this work. I can't go through the heartbreak again / Bella x

She sent the text and sighed. Knowing how messy it all was.


Addison stood in the lobby. She was watching Burke and Derek sucking up to the chief. She smirked as Mark walked over. "Aren't you gonna get in there? You wanna be chief, you gotta fight with the big boys," he said.

Addison shook her head. She carried on looking ahead. "Bella told me to fight like a girl. And let them measure the size of their anatomy. Let them kill each other. And then I'll be the only one left standing," she told him.

Mark shrugged. "And then there's me. There you go again. Underestimating me."

"It's not that I underestimate you. It's just that I don't think about you. At all," she told him.

"Well Bella thinks about me. And you should too," Mark said as he walked over the chief. "I was heading down to the clinic. It's opening day. And I thought it might be nice to show Dr Bailey and the other one a little support."

"Very thoughtful Dr Sloan. I'll join you," Richard said. He looked to Burke and Derek. "Gentlemen. If you'll excuse me."


Bella walked into the clinic. She saw how Bailey perked up. Bella smiled. "Looks good Dr B," she said as she looked to her. 

"Thanks to me," Izzie said as she smiled to Bella.

Bella rolled her eyes but nodded. "I guess so," she mumbled as she walked over to Grace. "I bet she's loving holding this over our heads."

Grace shrugged. Bailey turned to the interns. "Welcome to the Denny Duqette Memorial Clinic. Barring any surgical emergencies, you will be working here today," she told them.

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