𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 (𝗜 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸)

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Bella hadn't talked to Derek since his fight with Mark. She was too pissed at him for it. She knew how Mark missed his friend. But he was adamant he didn't.

She smiled as he left the bathroom. She had stayed at the hotel with him. He joined her in bed. "How's the hand?" She asked.

"I'll survive."

Bella kissed him and groaned. "It was me who said you should tell him about Lexie. Didn't expect him to turn into rocky on you," she mumbled.

Mark looked to her. He smiled. "It's gonna be okay. We both know nothing happened with me and Lexie. Nothing like that is going to happen," he told her.

"I know. Callie is looking at your hand tomorrow?" Bella asked as she laid down in bed.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'm okay. I have you," Mark said as he joined her in bed.


Alex turned to Grace. He sighed. "Dude, he is fried," he said.

Grace rolled her eyes. She shook her head. "He's not fried. He lost a patient and got hit with a lawsuit all in one week. He just needs time," she told him.

"He's been sitting there for three days. The sofa cushions are gonna start bonding to his ass, and he's eating all my cereal."

Izzie smiled. "He's taking stock. Something huge and life- Altering happened to him, and he's taking stock, figuring out his next move. We shouldn't judge him. We shouldn't rush him."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Sylvia Plath's picking out all the marshmallows. They're the best part," he mumbled.

Lexie nodded and sighed. "And I'm pretty sure that he's sitting on my keys. I'd ask him to move, but he looks so ... comfy."

Grace scoffed. Knowing how she had other things on her kind. "Oh, you guys are cowards," she said as she walked over to Derek. "You're eating. That's good. Appetite is good. You know what else is good? Showering, cleansing, water. Are you thinking you'll shower, maybe go into the hospital?"

Derek scoffed. "I have to, for the deposition. I have to go and explain in detail how I killed a man's pregnant wife," he told her.

Grace nodded and smiled. "That's good. I mean, not the killing part, but the- - I- I think you'll feel better once you ... Go to ... Work," she said.

Derek got up and walked off. He gave Alex his cereal back. Grace smiled. "He'll be fine."


Callie was looking at Mark's hand. She smiled. "It's still swollen. I'd give it another day of rest," she told him.

Mark groaned. "I haven't operated in three days," he said as he looked to her.

Callie shrugged and smiled. "Don't hit people with your scalpel hand. Have you talked to him yet?" She asked.

Mark looked to him. "He threw the first punch," he said. Bella walked in. "Hey baby."

Callie shrugged. "Well, you did catch him at a bad time."

Mark rolled his eyes. "So he lost a patient. Boo- Hoo. We're surgeons. We're men. We lose patients. It doesn't give him the right to go around behaving like a drunk frat boy. And now I'm supposed to go crawling back begging for his forgiveness?" He said.

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