𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗨𝗽 (𝗗𝗶𝗱𝗻'𝘁 𝗪𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗜𝘁 𝗔𝗹𝗹?)

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Bella groaned as she took another shot. She was at Cristina's bachelorette party. She was bored and wanted to do something other then sitting there.

Part of her was tempted to call Mark and finish the deal. She knew she wanted to make him wait a little longer though. Bella knew how he was serious about her.

She was thankful that he had changed. He had made her feel like she was the only one he wanted. She just hoped that he didn't mess up. She hoped she didn't mess up.

"I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing. But it's kinda great. Can we set her on fire after?" Cristina asked, looking towards Meredith.

Meredith looked to Cristina. "No. We cannot."

Bella looked to Callie who was writing Cristina's vows on her hand. "Okay. These wedding  vows are not all gonna fit on here," she said.

"Then write smaller."

"Be still please. 'Vow' just became 'cow'," Callie said as she rolled her eyes. She looked to Bella. "How are you not drunk?"

Bella shrugged. "Being friends with Meredith and Grace Grey gives you an alcohol tolerance. You learn to handle it well," she said as she downed another shot.

Grace nodded as she walked over to her. She smiled. "So. Sloan... what's going on there?" She asked.

"No idea what you mean."

"Uh-huh. I'm not convinced Isabella Rose."

Bella's eyes widened. "How the hell did you find out my middle name?" She asked as she downed her shot.

Grace winked. "You'd be surprised what Derek tells me when we're having sex."

Bella groaned as she looked to her. "I changed my mind. I don't went you dating my brother. He's got too much dirt on me," she mumbled.

Grace grinned. She looked to her. "Let's be serious for a moment. You and Mark. I know there's something going on with you both. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks. But there's nothing there," she said.

Bella knew how she was scared of opening her heart to Mark. She knew that he had been loyal to her since they had made their deal. But she was scared that now the deal was up, he would change.


Bella arrived at the hospital before the wedding. She groaned as she realised she needed to make sure she had her hair stuff. She was about to speak when Mark walked over to her.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her close. He planted his lips onto hers in a deep and passionate kiss. "Hmm, what was that for?" Bella murmured. pulling him down for another kiss.

Mark smirked against her lips."I forgot to tell you my plan for tonight." He says it in a low, certain tone, and the part of her that is always willing to roll over and submit to him is practically whining inside. "I'm going to lay you back and fuck you, sweet girl," he whispered in her ear, and she bites her lip, already knowing this is going to be good; he only refers to sex as fucking when he really, really means it. "I'm going to stretch you out, kiss you all over, even here," he emphasizes by rubbing over the crotch of her pants, "then fuck you while you just lay there and take it, moaning, coming on my cock over and over until you can't handle any more sensation."

"God, yes." She runs her hands over his chest, his fly, fully prepared to be late after that commentary, and he covers them with his own, pulling her gently away. "

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