𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲)

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Mark left the bedroom to see Bella sitting on the sofa with Madelyn. He smiled to her. "You're up early," he said as he sat with them. The tiny baby fast asleep in Bella's arms. "Is she okay?"

Bella nodded. "Yeah. She's fine. I didn't wanna wake you. Did I wake you?"

Mark shook his head. "I woke and you weren't there. Got worried," he said. He stroked Madelyn's cheek. "She's daddy's girl."

Bella smiled she looked to her sleeping daughter. "Do you think if she wasn't here, that we would have gotten back together?"

"You and me, we are meant to be. You're the love of my life Bella. And now we have Maddy, she's completed us."

Bella sighed and handed the tot to Mark. "She's an only child. Cause the birth I had, I don't wanna have to go through again," she said as she walked into the bathroom.

Mark looked down at Madelyn. He held her close and smiled. "Daddy's got you angel," he said. He knew how close he and Bella had come to losing Madelyn with how premature she was.

But they had their little girl. And she was healthy. Arizona had told them that she was always going to be small. But she was healthy. And that's all that mattered to them.

Bella came back about fifteen minutes later. She smiled. "Has Callie mentioned who got her pregnant yet?" She asked.

Mark shook his head. He sighed as he laid Madelyn in her bassinet. "I know everyone thinks it's me. But I promise you, I did not get her pregnant. You're the only one I got pregnant," he told her.

"I'm not accusing you. I'm just curious. I always thought she was madly in love with Arizona," Bella said as she kissed him. "You know what Maddy being here means?"


"We can get married. We said we would wait until we had a baby. And now we do," Bella said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.

Mark nodded. "You tell me when and we'll go get married."

"Can't wait," Bella said as she kissed him. She walked over to Madelyn who was fast asleep. "Grace text. She needs Maddy cuddles."

Mark smiled. "She's not the only one."


Mark and Bella walked into the hospital. Madelyn safe and secure in her stroller. Grace walked over and smiled. "Hi my little doll. Auntie Grace missed you," she said.

Bella smiled as she stopped walking with the stroller. Grace took out Madelyn and held her close. "Auntie Gracie loves you little lamb. You're so cute," she said. She turned to Bella and Mark. "Is she okay?"

Bella nodded. "Yeah. She has a check up. Being a diva who wanted to come early," she told her.

Grace smiled. "Leave my little dolly alone," she said as she walked off with her.

Mark blinked. "Wow. No words."

"Told ya. Hey! Grace, don't go too far with her. She's got a check up," Bella called.

"You got it!"

Mark looked up as Callie walked over. She saw the look on Bella's face. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Bella nodded. She sighed. She looked to Mark. "I'll meet you up on Peds? Need to get Maddy back before Grace kidnaps her," she said as she walked off with the stroller.

Callie turned to Mark. "Is she okay?" She asked.

Mark nodded. "She's fine. She's worried about Maddy and her check up with her being premature. So don't take it personal. She's a new mom. It's normal," he said.

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now