𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮'𝘀 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 (𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗜'𝗺 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻)

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Bella was sitting in therapy with Dr Perkins. She had been through a lot lately.  Mostly down to the shooting.  "Did you hear that Dr Yang and Dr Hunt are getting married?" Bella asked the therapist.

"I did."

Bella nodded. "It's pretty great huh? It's almost like silver lining. You know, I read some stuff. About trauma. And how sometimes people just up and change their lives. They say trauma was the best thing that could've happened to them. You know, like Dr Shepherd this morning. Did you hear that he's not chief anymore?" She said.

Dr Perkins looked to her. "And how have you been Dr Shepherd? You've been through a lot since I last saw you."

Bella rolled her eyes. "I had a breakdown. And got admitted to psych. Where they told me what they. In which I haven't told anyone yet," she told him.


Andrew looked to the group of people in the room. "Does, uh, anyone have anything to say? I know that a lot of you are only here because this has been mandated. So let's talk. Anything at all?" He asked.

Cristina looked up and spoke. "I ate a really good taco from one of those food trucks. By the side of the road," she told them.

Meredith turned to her. "When?"

"Last night. You were asleep."

"Which truck? The one on 7th?" Jackson asked.

Alex looked up and spoke. "I want to try those. I like tacos."

"Me too."

Bella sighed. "I read a book. About the history of mass murders in the US. That's...that's the actual name of what happened to us. It was a mass murder. You can't call it a terror attack, because the murders weren't political in Nature. And we weren't the victims of a serial killer. Because Mr Clark would've had to murder several people over a period of 30 days in order to qualify him as a serial killer. We could define it as a spree killing. Which is defined as killings at two or more locations. With no break or pause in between, because Mr Clark shot that guy in his car before he got here. But I'm not sure that counts as a true second location because it was so close to the hospital. Which means that we were a mass murder. Because it happened at one place, by one person. And more than four people were killed," she said.


Grace had been paged while she was in therapy. And she was pissed. It was Derek who had been arrested again.

She walked down the hallways of the jail. She wasn't happy.

"Opening two."

Derek was checking over a prisoner. "It doesn't look too bad. You just gotta keep an eye on it. Make sure it doesn't get any bigger. But if it changes color, you should see a doctor," he said.

"Dr. Shepherd."


"Your lady looks pissed," the prisoner said as he looked up to the blonde on the other side of the bars.

Grace just looked at him. "Again, Derek? Are you an actual idiot? Cause you're acting it," she said.


Bella walked along the hallway with Mark. She hadn't told him she was pregnant yet. She didn't know how to when he was still treating her like she was going to break.

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now