𝗕𝗲 𝗢𝗸𝗮𝘆 (𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗹𝗲)

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No one was answering Bella. She turned and walked into the room. She almost felt sick at what she saw. Her best friend. Almost dead.

Bella stood there in shock. Not able to comprehend what she was looking at. Grace was almost blue lying on the gurney.

"W-What happened?" Bella asked. She turned to face her brother. "Derek?"

Derek sighed. "She was knocked into the water. She frowned."

Bella frowned. She looked to him. "That doesn't make sense. She can swim. She wouldn't have drown. She can swim," she said as she turned to look at the other interns.

Derek saw how close Mark was to his sister. But he didn't say anything. It wasn't the right time for it. Grace needed him.


Bella sat on the floor outside of the trauma room where Grace was. She laid her head on George's shoulder. Mark had gone to check on some patients.

The door opened and Addison came out. Bella jumped up. "Addie?" She asked quietly.

"It's not good," Addison said, she was avoiding looking at the interns. Especially Bella.

Bella felt sick. She felt someone wrap an arm around her shoulder. She saw George. Cristina walked over. "Is she still cyanotic? What was her initial temp? What is taking so long?" She asked.

"Dr Yang!" Addison all but yelled. She was getting frustrated.

Bella was silently crying. Alex pulled her from George and wrapped his arms around her. Addison sighed. "It's not good. They're doing everything they can. You should maybe... prepare yourselves. I have to go. My Jane Doe is awake," she told them.

Addison turned and walked off. Alex went after her, wanting to help anyway he could. But really not wanting to be with his friends. Just in case something happened to Grace.

Cristina looked to the interns. "Prepare ourselves? That's... that's what we tell people when their loved ones are.. are dying."

Bella shook her head. "Shut the fuck up. She isn't dying. Grace cannot die," she said as she turned and walked off.

She was sick of everyone saying she was going to die. She wasn't going to let Grace Grey die. Not while she was still a nurse.


Bella stood outside of Ellis' Grey's room. She was watching her with interest. Ellis had just had surgery. Bella knew that all Meredith and Grace wanted was to make their mother proud.

Bella frowned as she saw Derek walking into her room. "Derek?" She called as she followed him.

Ellis was yelling. "Water! Get me some water!"

Derek got her a glass of water. "You broke her. You called her ordinary. You taught her time and time again that nothing she does is ever good enough. Both her and Meredith. Every good thing that Grace is happened. Despite you. She may not survive this. That's on you. That is on you!" He coldly said.

Derek turned to see his little sister. He said nothing as he walked off. "Derek Christopher Shepherd!" She called.

Derek turned to Bella. "That woman... she's..."

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now