𝗠𝘆 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 (𝗜 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗲)

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Bella groaned as she heard Madelyn crying. She clumsily got out of bed, wanting to not wake Mark up who had been on a long shift. She walked over to the baby girl and picked her up. "It's okay baby. Mommy's here. We can't wake daddy though," she whispered.

Madelyn stopped crying as soon as she was in Bella's arms. Bella smiled. "You just wanted cuddles huh Angel. You don't need to scream the apartment down to get cuddles."


Bella turned to see Mark awake. She smiled. "Oh hey. She just wanted cuddles. I hope we didn't wake you."

Mark shook his head. "Nope. Tried to pull you close. You weren't there so I woke up," he told her. He sat up. "How's Grey?"

Bella nodded. "She's great. Sophie is too. She's younger than Maddy. But Maddy is smaller than her."

"Maddy was premature. She'll probably always be small."

Bella shrugged and smiled. She joined Mark in bed and sighed. He took Madelyn from her. "You get some sleep doll. I've got the day off so I can settle her. You need rest."

Bella frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Wouldn't say it otherwise baby. Now give me the baby I worked hard to make and get some sleep," Mark told her as he took the little girl from Bella.

Bella groaned and lay back down. Mark held Madelyn close to him and smiled. "Daddy loves you my little angel. Your mom is my big angel and you're my little angel," he whispered. Not wanting to wake Bella.


Grace grinned as Bella walked towards her. She looked to her. "And where is my niece?" She asked as she hugged her.

"With Mark. Where is my favourite niece?"

Grace pouted. "Oh. I need to see her again," she said as she slipped on her lab coat. "And Sophie is with your mom who's come to town."

Bella smiled and nodded. "You're always welcome to come and see her. Bring Sophie too. And keep my mom far away from me. I don't need her nagging at me."

Grace grinned and winked. "I'll send her your way soon enough. Are you okay?" She asked.

Bella nodded. She yawned. "Yeah I'm okay. Just thinking about things. And how weird things are now I'm a mom. I'm way more protective of kids. And I wanna kill anyone who hurts them," she said.

"Oh I'm the same. Sophie has changed my life. And I don't even know who I was before I had her," Grace told her.

Bella groaned. "It's weird. We've changed. We're no longer sarcastic bitches," she said.

"That will always be our personality."


Bella walked over to Jackson. She smiled. "Hey. Grace tells me that you're an instrumental part in getting the chiefs trial approved. Go you."

Jackson turned to her and smiled. "Thanks. How's your daughter?" He asked.

"She's great. Don't talk about her. I want to cry at the thought she's not with me," Cassie said.

Jackson smiled. He knew he and Bella had become close friends. He loved how passionate she was about peds.


Bella walked into Zola's room with Arizona. She was on her service that day. She found it great that James and Meredith were wanting to adopt Zola.

"Hi gorgeous girl. I'm your auntie Bella. You are the cutest thing ever. You're adorable," Bella said as she smiled to Zola.

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now