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Authors Note
This is going to be my own update. Where Kathleen Shepherd comes to Seattle. Hence the title

Bella knew she was close to giving into Mark. He had been teasing her and making her want him. But she was remaining strong. She didn't want to give herself to him only for him to sleep with someone else.

Bella had been close to telling Grace about her and Mark. But she also knew how Grace and Derek were back together and happy.

And she knew it would change if she told her about her and Mark. As she knew Derek would find out.

Bella knew that things were getting more and more complicated. And she wanted it to be plain and simple. She was trying to make it work. To keep everyone happy.

The door opened and Grace walked in. She smiled. "Well dear Isabella. What's going on with you? You have a peppy step," she told her.

"I'm just happy. You're back with Derek. And I'm happy. Is that not allowed?" Bella asked.

"You're happy that I'm getting 24 hour sex? You're weird."

"But you love me."

Grace shrugged and smiled. She looked to her. "You're strangely happy. Are you and Mark okay?" She asked as she sat next to her.

Bella smiled. "Mark and I are friends. And I'm happy that we're friends. Too much happened there for me to give him another chance," she said.

Bella knew how she was lying. But she didn't want anyone knowing about her and Mark until she could fully trust he wouldn't break her heart.


Bella arrived at the hospital. She saw Mark waiting for her. She smiled. "You know if you keep waiting for me, anyone would think you're in love with me or something," she said as she grinned.

Mark shrugged and smiled. "Maybe I am."

"You're whipped Sloan," Bella said as she walked off inside. She grinned as she felt Mark pulling her into an empty office. "Stop. Someone will see."

Mark groaned. "Baby. Come on, just a peck."

"No. That's how it starts. I give you a kiss. And then I'm either on my knees for you. Or you're trying to insert little Sloan into little Shepherd. And that's a no no. You only have a few more days anyway," Bella told him.

She went to walk out when Mark grabbed her. He kissed her lips gently and smiled. "I'll see you later baby," he said.

"Bye Dr Sloan."

Bella left the office as Derek walked towards her. "Derek! What are you doing here?" She asked.

Derek frowned. "Checking on you."

"Unbelievable. You punch a guy once. And now you're annoying big brother won't leave you alone," Bella mumbled as she walked off.


Derek saw Bella and walked over to her. He sighed. "Turn around. Walk away."

Bella frowned as she looked to him. "You what?"

"Kathleen. She's here this time. Mom sent her to check on us," Derek said.

"Fuck off. She's even worse than Nancy. Derek... I can't deal with the wicked bitch 2.0. Wait... is she going to call Grace a slut too? Cause I have a few things to say," Bella said.

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now