𝗛𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 (𝗟𝗮𝘆 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗢𝗻 𝗠𝗲)

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Bella hadn't spent much time with Mark since their fight. She didn't know where they stood. She loved him. She knew that. But she just wasn't sure how to move on.

Bella knew how part of her was scared that she and Mark wouldn't last. And Derek would turn on Mark again. And she didn't want Mark to lose Derek again.

She was hurting. She knew she needed to communicate more with Mark. But things were hard. He had been spending more and more time with Callie and Erica.

Bella walked downstairs into the kitchen. Izzie was there. "Sloan not here?" She asked. "Oh wait. You had a fall out."

Derek looked to Bella. "What happened?"

"Shut up," Grace said as she walked into the room. She knew how Bella didn't want Derek knowing. "They don't have to spend every night together."

Bella said nothing as she made a coffee. She sighed. "My head is pounding," she mumbled as she looked to Meredith. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making an omelet," Meredith told her.

Derek looked over to Grace. "What do you think of the house?" He asked.

Grace shrugged and smiled. "I like it. It's good."

Derek rolled his eyes. He walked over to her. "It's good? I'm building us a house. And all I get is 'it's good'?" He asked. He turned to Bella. "I was with Mark this morning. He seems moody. You seem moody."

Bella sighed and smiled. "It's nothing. I just don't need to spend everyday with him."

Izzie smiled. "Also known as you had a row because you thought you were pregnant. You didn't tell Sloan and he called you out for it. He's got a point. You always go running to Grace. Maybe Sloan is glad he didn't have a baby with you. He wouldn't get a look in," she said. She looked to Bella. "Maybe Sloan deserves better than you."

"You bitch," Grace said as she turned to Bella who looked close to crying. "Bella..."

Tears streamed down her cheeks. "No it's fine. I've got to go," Bella mumbled as she left the room. Not seeing the way Derek was looking at her.

Memories of the miscarriage coming back to her as she thought about the baby she lost. Her and Mark's baby.

Grace turned to Izzie. "What is your problem? Seriously. Are you jealous that Bella is happy and you're just a bitter bitch?" She spat. She turned to Meredith. "She needs to fuck off from this house or I'll kill her."


Bella was sitting in the resident lounge. She was avoiding everyone knowing how she wanted to be alone. She felt as though Izzie was right.

Bella looked up as Grace walked in. She saw her best friend crying and sighed. "Bella, don't let her get to you," she said as she sat down with her.

"It's what she said about me having Mark's baby. How it was better that I wasn't pregnant. Made me think of the baby I lost. And I'm not okay," Bella sobbed.

Grace held her as she cried. It was rare that Bella cried. She held everything together all the time. She never showed emotion. She hated seeing her so upset. "Stevens is a bitter bitch. She's unhappy with her own life so she has to crap on everyone else," she said.

"It's true. Mark does deserve better than me. He deserves to be with Addison," Bella mumbled as she wiped away her tears.

Grace frowned. "I thought you had made up after your fight? He came over," she said.

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