1. It's Your Funeral

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Aisha's P.O.V.

Back in the year 2010

I'm walking out of the shower in our hotel room to my husband rushing me as he starts planting kisses all over me, gathering me into his arms, snatching the bath towel right off of me.

Almost making me forget the fact that things have been not always so great between us lately.

Life on tour hasn't been kind to me and Marshall.

Like at all.

It kind of sucks, actually.

It's stressful as hell, and me not having toured in years, I guess I'm not used to it anymore?

And the fact that Marshall takes this whole thing really seriously and he's like a damn drill sergeant sometimes doesn't help much at all. I mean... he's supportive as hell of me. Always has been.

But at the same time... he's also kind of a perfectionist when it comes to performing, and I guess I have never really noticed this side of him much, because we've never toured together. We might've shared the stage once or twice before, but never like this...

I'm still happy though. Whenever it's just him and I. But once it's anything else though, I get kind of overwhelmed, and I can't even help myself...

"Aisha, baby, you need to stay on your markings!" Marshall practically barks at me during one of the rehearsals.

"Marshall, I'm fucking trying!!" I snap back.

Not that I don't take this whole thing seriously, I mean, being a singer, a performer, a star, had used to always be my dream after all, but it's just... I don't know... Marshall has got way more perseverance and dedication for it than me, I guess, and I've never ever realized this until now, and he's kind of beginning to annoy me a little bit?

I still love him to death, but I am very freaking annoyed with him right now!!

"God, I can't take this anymore!!" I suddenly blurt out as I begin to storm out of the room.

"Aisha, hold up yo, fuck is your problem now?!" Marshall bellows behind me but I just keep right on walking.

The truth is that I do have a problem, actually.

All of those other things aside, today is literally our 5th wedding anniversary and he hasn't even acknowledged that all day. I guess he's forgotten that and it kind of hurts. It hurts a whole lot actually...

"Baby girl, come here," Marshall pulls me back by my arm. "I swear to fuck I ain't mean to snap on you like that. It's just that I'm tryna get us through this whole thing, you know?"

"I do understand, Marshall," I roll my eyes, thinking to myself how is it that he can't put together exactly why I'm so mad at him, ugh!!

"Aight, so let's go kill it then."

We finish the rehearsals and afterwards, we are supposed to have our driver take us back to where we currently stay in Delaware.

I just still feel so shitty though.

Maybe I should just tell him, but then, I feel like he should already know!!

I mean, how could he not know?!

Later on that same night, we perform on stage and Marshall does this little cute gig where he announces on stage to his fans that he's about to relapse and start chugging from a bottle of Bacardi. Only for all of the liquor to supposedly start pouring out of his pores once he takes a little sip of what is really water. He's obviously wearing like this suit that allows him to do that.

Marshall then says to the audience that maybe he's not up for that life no more and they all laugh in relief in unison.

Just seconds earlier they were all screaming frantically "Nooooo' at him when they thought he was actually falling off of the wagon.

Which honestly, I think is real sweet that they are all so dedicated to him and want what's best for him.

So do I.

Just wish that he paid more attention to me. It truly sometimes seems like he doesn't even care anymore. What, with him forgetting certain things and all...

"Yo Aisha, imma be back at the hotel late tonight, aight baby?" He says to me after the show. "Me and the fellas, we wanna do something together."

"Seriously, Marshall?!" I ask, no longer able to contain my disdain. "God, I can't with you sometimes!!" I then say and storm out.


Marshall's P.O.V.

I watch Aisha storm out and I chuckle to myself, knowing exactly what is it this girl is so damn mad about.

"You still acting like you don't remember, dawg?" Denaun asks me, walking into the rehearsal room with his phone to his ear.

"Yep," I smirk.

Denaun looks at me like I'm the dumbest motherfucker alive, then shrugs.

"Welp, it's your funeral," he says. "Bizarre says so too by the way," he points at the phone. "Hold up, let me put him on speaker real quick," he puts Bizzy on speaker then who yells:

"Slim, that girl is about to kill your dumb ass!! Then she would divorce you!! In that order!!"

"Yo, fuck you, fatass," I chuckle as Bizarre continues to talk anyway.

"Yo, I swear to God Slim, I've once ignored me and my wife's anniversary just like that once too. Only unlike you, I really did forget. Shiiiiiiit!! That girl was so mad at me she starved me for months after. For MONTHS!! Causing me to lose so much weight and shit, that's why I'm about Porter's size now, I ain't a big motherfucker at all no more! Not like I used to be!"

"Shut the hell up Bizzy, you still fat as fuck," Denaun then chuckles as I tune the both of them out.

Maybe I am crazy to do this to my girl, but I just wanna surprise her, you know what I'm saying? That's why I keep right on acting like I done forgot our anniversary, I do kind of want her mad right now, just so I could make her happy later. But the truth is, I do have a few nice things planned for us later on tonight...


So, in this book we are going to be jumping around with timeliness a lot. Alternating between the "present" time 2012 where Aisha has gone through something and has very little memory of her relationship with Marshall, and the "past" time in 2010 and up.

So, whenever you see a chapter in a regular print, it means we are in 2010, but when it's written in cursive, then we are in 2012, hope it's not too confusing lol.

Anyways, sorry if this chapter is super short and nothing really happens in it.

It's more of a filler chapter I guess, even though we are right at the beginning of the book, but I feel like it's okay to start with a filler since this is a continuation to another book, if that makes sense...

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