13. No Harm

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Having to meet Suge Knight for dinner tonight is probably the shittiest way to end my day today, but it is what it is.

Aisha insisted on it.

Right after sucking the living daylights out of my cock, may I add. So shit wasn't even fair. She wasn't playing fair, not at all. Buttom line is though, she said she wanted me and her daddy dearest to finally bury the hatchet.

Said something about how, at the end of the day, she loves us both, and she can't stand us not getting along.

But see, the thing is, Aisha, she may forgive and forget certain things, but not me.

My wife is a forgiving person. A beautiful person for real, in every sense of the word, and God knows, I love her to motherfucking death for it.

But myself? I ain't that sweet and gentle. I hold grudges like there ain't no tomorrow, even on the most littlest things. Not to mention some serious shit.

Like ya know? The fact that Suge had put that hit out on me where his own daughter got hurt in the process?!

See, Aisha might be able to let that go, but I never could. I will never forget how it felt holding her in my arms that day while she was bleeding out, and I had thought she was going to die.

Not to mention, the fact that our first child? Suge drugged her and forced her to abort him or her, we'd never even find out if it was a boy or a girl.

All those things, I could never let go. Even if my whole goddamn life depended on it.

And yet, tonight, imma have to bite my tongue and act civil with the motherfucker. All for my wife's sake.

The true irony of that being the fact that Suge most likely don't want shit to do with me neither, and yet, he would go through the charade also for Aisha.

Just cause the both of us love her so damn much.

The only thing he and I ever had in common, I guess.

Later on that evening...

Obviously, I would never welcome Sige Knight at my own house, even if it ain't my Detroit home but rather my place here in LA. Still, won't want this fucking bastard nowehre near where I actually lay my head at at night.

So, I have rented out this Chinese restaurant instead, for the three of us to sit down at.

And now here it goes...

Suge Knight walks in, wearing some corny ass looking suit with a Cuban cigar dangling from his big ass mouth. Typical Suge, and some things ain't never change, I guess. Motherfucker still thinks he a pimp or some shit.

"Yo," I mumble, without getting up from my seat.

"Hi, daddy," Aisha says awkwardly. I can tell that she's nervous as hell about how this whole thing would go, so I pull her to me and wrap an arm around her, kissing her temple softly, wanting to comfort her and ease some of her tension.

Oh, and also rub it in Suge's face that I've got his daughter's heart. That outta set this asshole's blood boiling, cause fuck him.

"Cra... I mean, Marshall," Suge Knight greets me dryly, and I nod my head at him just as dry, with a stone cold emotionless look on my face. It ain't escape me neither how he was just about to call me a cracker.

"Princess," Suge then greets Aisha as well.

She smiles and frees herself from my arms to hug her piece of shit bitch add father quickly, then sits down next to me again and leans into me for support. I feel her body trembling slightly against mine. Yep. She's definitely very fucking on edge and nervous.

I clench my jaw and make it an effort for this to go as smoothly as it possible can. For her sake. Just cause I love her so damn much. I swear, this girl would be the death of me one day.

"So, I've been told you have been clean for years now, Marshall," Suge says, puffing on his cigar. I really wish the motherfucker would stop calling me by my government name like he knows me. "That's great, son," he continues. "I'm glad you are doing well for yourself now. And for my daughter."

I narrow my eyes at him at that, and Aisha looks at him disapprovingly.

"Daddy, you've promised me you won't bring that up!!" She speaks softly.

"Princess, I don't mean that in no insulting kind of way," Suge smiles coldly and staring at me, sizing me up, indicating to me that actually, yeah, he did mean it in a very insulting kind of way. He's straight up challenging my manhood right now as far as I'm concerned.

But Aisha is right here. Fuck!!

"I just uh... I'm happy your husband knows better now," Suge concludes, lighting another cigar.

"Well shit dawg, I'm happy as fuck you ain't locked up no more. I know it must've been difficult having to be somebody's bitch in there just to be able to get some Ramen noodles on your commissary," I shrug, while Suge stares angrily at me.

Well goddamn. I was just playing with him, but guess I was right, huh...

"Marshall!!" Aisha scolds me and hits me on the arm. "Common, guys, don't fight," she then laughs softly, sensing the tension in the room. She puts her hand on my arm, soothing me.

Just then, one of the waiters shows up and takes our food orders.

And once they deliver our meals, the rest of the night pretty much goes down with this weird ass tension in the room where Suge and I continue to stay civil towards each other for Aisha's sake, but it's obvious we would rather square up and beat the shit out of each other.

Definitely ain't no love lost between him and myself.

At some point, my wife excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

The minute she's gone, Suge Knight drops the act and so do I.

"OK, so listen up, Shady," Suge takes the cigar from his mouth and puts it out in one of the plates.

"Nah, you listen to me, Suge," I interrupt him, taking off my Kangool cap.

We both size each other up and all I can see when looking at him is the blood seeping out of Aisha's wound on her chest that day. Still can't believe he would do that. To his own goddamn daughter...

"Look yo," I state angrily. "It ain't no secret that I love that girl. So fucking much. And that's the only reason I'm even talking to you right now, Suge. So whatever ya wanted to say to me, ya know, about how I'm not good enough for her, don't deserve her, whatever, don't even bother man. Cause I already know those things and I don't give a fuck neither."

"Do you think I care about what you give a fuck about or not, Shady?" Suge scoffs then, leaning back in his seat. "All I care about is Aisha. And you are right. You DON'T fucking deserve my daughter. You are not worth one hair on her head. But... she loves you. For whatever fucked up ass reason. And over the years that I've been locked up, I've learned to come to terms with it. So I give you my word, Marshall, I won't interfere with the two of you anymore. Unless, of course, you fuck up. Then it's all fair game. Fuck up with my daughter just one time, and you are gone, white boy. We understand each other?" He looks at me sternly and my first instinct is to flip him off.

I do see his point though.

"Fair enough," I shrug.

Just then, Aisha comes back.

"You guys okay in here?" She asks sort of awkwardly, looking from me to her father with her bug brown eyes.

"It's all good, baby," I shrug, pulling her to sit down and pulling her to me.

Suge and I do understand each other on one thing. Neither one of us wants any harm to come to her ever again in the future. Suge of course has real weird ways of protecting his daughter, I won't call putting a hit out on your kid an effective way of keeping them safe, but I do know where he's coming from as far as his distrust of me is concerned cause the feeling is mutual. Fuck it though, it ain't like I have to do family dinners like this with the motherfucker on a regular. I did it this one time to make Aisha happy, but that's it. Never again.

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