17. Shit Is Serious

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Aisha says nothing during the car ride to the police station. She's quiet and thoughtful, stuck in her own head and her face is blank. I ain't never seen her like this before. This girl wears her heart on her sleeve, her emotions always clear on her face. But right now there's no expression on her face whatsoever, her eyes are empty, her mouth pressed into a thin line.

I can only imagine how much she must be hurting but she doesn't show it. Shock making her appear almost numb to the pain.

I swear I would do anything to ease it for her right now, but there ain't shit I can do really, except just to be there for her.

The whole ordeal with our daughter being kidnapped had come to an end only a few days ago.

Despite me being completely against it, my stubborn ass wife had gone to the location those pussy as motherfuckers had gave us to drop the money off. And the thing is, I ain't even know she went there, cause the damn girl legit snuck out of the house, no security no nothing.

And I swear to fuck, I was gearing up to kill her ass once she finally did come back, but then I was a relieved ass motherfucker that she had returned to me unharmed after pulling that dumb shit, so I ain't done shit but snatch her ass up and hold her in my arms.

A few hours later, Sienna was dropped off at our doorstep just as promised.

Neither Aisha nor myself having no clue as to who the assholes that took our daughter were. Sienna won't talk to us, she seemed to be in a state of complete shock.

But then, we had received a call from the cops, informing us that Aisha's mother, Candance Jones, was found dead at some crack house. She had apparently committed suicide by hanging herself, and all of a sudden, Sienna started talking up a storm after overhearing a conversation I've had with Aisha about it.

Talking about, granny had let her go, even if the bad man wanted to hurt her.

And only a few hours after that, the police had managed to apprehend the bad man in question.

Some lowlife dude that Candance was apparently messing with.

Now, I had expected Aisha to cry once she received the news, but she never shared a tear and that shit worries me like a motherfucker. Also, that damn cop that spoke to her and told her that her moms was dead, comforming also the fa t that Candance was in fact involved in our little girl's kidnapping, I could punch him right in his stupid face cause that ain't the way you break those kinda news to somebody. Then again, there ain't the right way, I'm guessing.

Myself, I feel more anger than anything else, but I'm also relieved as fuck that Sienna wasn't harmed and  is back at home with us. I woulda had to burn the whole world if something had happened to my kid.

Now, as I'm pulling up towards the police station, all I see is the fucking paps everywhere.

What the actual fuck, man?!

Aisha and myself exit the car with our usual security guys around us, and we immediately are getting mobbed.

Some brave asshole gets all up in my girl's face, shoving his tape recorder towards her.

"Aisha, is it true that you are here to identify the body of your estranged mother, Candance Jones, who also happens to be implicated in the recent kidnapping of your and Eminem's daughter?"

Aisha's eyes slightly widen, but she doesn't respond.

Wouldn't get the chance to anyway, cause I grab her hand and shove her behind my back, getting all up in the fucking reporter's face.

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