15. Don't Talk To Strangers

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3rd Person P.O.V.

The bell signifying the end of the last period in school rings and a bunch of little kids happily rush out of the doors to get picked up by their parents

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The bell signifying the end of the last period in school rings and a bunch of little kids happily rush out of the doors to get picked up by their parents.

One of those kids being the little Sienna Knight-Mathers.

The little cute girl looks like a perfect mixture between her mommy and daddy, and she often gets asked question about her famous parents by all of the other kids she goes to school with, even though most of them have parents that are all either in the music industry or in the acting field themselves. The school they all attend being a private charter school reserved mostly for the children of the rich and famous.

Sienna's parents happen to have a legendary status however, so she gets pestered and asked questions about them quite often, today being no exception, and the little girl is a little annoyed right now. She cannot wait to get away from this place, and she's happy that it isn't her mommy or daddy picking her up this time, but one of their security guards, because at least the other kids then wouldn't be trying to crowd the car and take a peak at them.

Today her father's security is late coming to oick her up, however. And little Sienna knows exactly what the routine is supposed to be in case something like this has ever happened, even though it's never ever happened before.

She is to go back inside the school building and wait there, until somebody finally does show up to pick her up and take her home. She is also supposed to take out her cell and call either mommy or daddy.

But little Sienna didn't feel like doing any of that. It's a really nice day outside today, and she doesn't want to go back insode the stifling school building, so she walks a few blocks away instead and sits on one of the benches by the side of the road, dangling her little feet from it, her pink backpack tossed caressly by her side. She starts digging in it for her phone to call her father's security and let them know where she would be waiting for them to finally come get her.

Just then, somebody sits down on the bench right next to her though.

Sienna looks up and she sees some strange older lady.

Strange because of the way the woman is dressed, for one thing. She is all bundled up in a bunch of really heavy looking clothes, even though it is literally the middle of July right now and it's pretty warm outside. Also, she immediately smiles at the little girl, making Sienna feel unsettled.

Especially when the weird lady suddenly grits her.

"Hi, Sienna," she smiles, causing the little girl's eyes to immediately widen in shock.

"How do you know my name, Miss?" She asks shyly and then starts to immediately distance herself from the woman.

"Doesn't matter anyways cause I've been taught not to talk to stangers," she mutters sassily under her breath, scooting off from the bench and grabbing her school bag.

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