9. Entourage

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Aisha's P.O.V.

They say you should never go to bed angry at each other.

And whoever said it was right, so right.

I wake up in the morning, feeling all kinds of crappy, all because Marshall and I haven't made up last night. He did come back to bed with me eventually, but he didn't say a word to me and I didn't say anything to him neither. Both of us being so stubborn.

Now, we are having breakfast with the kids, afterwards Marshall sends them all to his aunt Betty for the time being and we both get ready and pack for our flight to LA.

While still not talking to each other, might I add.

This is starting to really freak me out, because Marshall and I? We are never like this. Even when we fight, we always make up right after, why are we being like this now?

It scares me, like really scares me.

And I honestly can't take it.

As Marshall stands shoving his clothes into his luggage bag, I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him, resting my face against his back. His whole body stiffens up against my touch, but then he relaxes, his hands going over mine.

"Fuck ya want from my life, Aisha?" He grumbles.

"I'm sorry, Marshall," I let out against his back. "That stupidness I said to you last night about you being just like my daddy? I didn't mean that. And the movie..."

Abruptly, he turns towards me.

"I ain't nothing like ya bitch ass father, Aisha," he states, towering over me. "That ain't had shit to do with me trying to control you, and you know that shit too. Can't believe you threw that shit at me though," he says angrily.


"Nah, save it, baby. I get it, ya wanna be in that lil movie. Don't really know why or why it's so important to you, but whatever. What I think don't matter no way anyhow, correct?" He asks me coldly, his face emotionless, and I feel myself about to lose it.

"Maybe you WOULD know if you had bothered to ask!!" I exclaim. "But I guess you don't care!!"

"Nah? Ya think I don't care?" He's starting to get visibly angry right now as well. "Gee, why WOULD I care to know why my WIFE would wanna be in some slutty ass movie where she does some shitty vampire porn?! Why would I ever wanna fucking understand that, Aisha?!"

"Because maybe I'm tired of the whole world looking at me like I'm this sweet innocent girl!!" I exclaim back just as angrily, practically blowing up at his choice of words. I blush involuntarily, because a slutty vampire movie, vampire porn?! Really, Marshall, the hell?! "I want to shed that image, and I am tired of living in your shadow also!!" I continue to rant, knowing immediately that I have just messed-up again. Ugh, way to go Aisha...

"Living in my shadow?" Marshall slowly repeats after me, his face unreadable. "Is that what ya think, yo?! Also," he laughs like this short angry laugh. "Did I just hear what you just said to me correctly? Yooooo, are you having a midlife crisis at the tender age of 30, Aisha?!"

"Boy, forget you!!" I exclaim back to that. Wondering to myself if he's right. Am I having a midlife crisis?!

"Yeah bitch, fuck you too," Marshall states calmly.

I stomp my foot like a small child then, turning on my heels.

Only for him to abruptly grab my arm, bringing me back. He slams my body into his and slams his lips on mine in the same motion, kissing me hard and taking my breath away. His arms wrapping around me possessively, he makes me moan into his mouth, then he eventually pulls back.

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